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вторник, 18 декабря 2012 г.

Tammy Thomas realized that she acted wrongly, when she used THG

Tammy Thomas, a former American cyclist, took the steroid THG. As a result, she was banned from sports forever.
Tammy Thomas desired to take part in the 2004 Olympic Games. So, the cyclist decided to apply performance-enhancing drugs to increase her performance and make her dreams related to the Olympic Games real. But since she was caught administering forbidden medicines, she was not allowed to take part in the Olympics.
Tammy Thomas was charged with lying to the Grand Jury. She turned out to be targeted during the BALCO investigation. It was affirmed that Tammy Thomas didn’t say truth about application of anabolic steroids and getting of THG. While she was accused of lying to the Grand Jury, she provided certain arguments in order to defend herself against the accusations.
Tammy Thomas affirmed that she hadn’t applied any banned medicine. Actually, she said truth. At that time THG was not written on the list of forbidden products. It was considered to be just an unapproved new medication. THG was elaborated by the scientist Patrick Arnold.
While the BALCO foundation sold THG to many athletes, it was stated that Tammy Thomas obtained this product from Patrick Arnold. But the female cyclist denied this affirmation. Ultimately, she claimed that Patrick Arnold’s former girlfriend supplied her with THG.
The arguments of Tammy Thomas were not accepted. She was given a home detection of 6 months and probation of 5 years.
The American cyclist repented completely. She acknowledged that she acted wrongly. So, she decided to alter her life. Being a religious woman, Tammy Thomas believes that God has certain plan linked with her life. She noticed that she would do anything in order to act so, as God whishes. She founded a fitness center and decided to help others to keep their health.

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