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воскресенье, 9 декабря 2012 г.

Lance Armstrong should not be blamed for doping in professional cycling

Although you probably know nothing about Scott Mercier, his statements linked with doping in professional cyclist spread very quickly. This sportsman belonged to the US Postal Cycling team prior to Lance Armstrong’s arrival. Some affirmations of Scott Mercier revealed the truth which was hidden in cycling.
Actually, the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) made incorrect conclusions connected with role of Lance Armstrong in doping. The 7-time Tour de France winner was accused and found guilty of application of prohibited medicines throughout his cycling career. While it may be true, the USADA stated that Lance Armstrong induced doping in professional cycling. But these statements turned out to be wrong. Why? Which words were pronounced by Scott Mercier?
Scott Mercier claimed that their team doctor Pedro Celaya offered a special program for the US Postal Cycling team. Pedro Celaya discussed about the program with every cyclist. The doctor said that they had to ride 200-250 km every day. Moreover, Pedro Celaya established doping program that had to accompany workouts. Thus, he supplied US Postal Cycling team’s athletes with steroids, EPO and certain other products.
These recommendations were offered by Pedro Celaya, when Lance Armstrong was not involved in professional cycling. This sportsman suffered from testicular cancer that time. There was no any doubt that this person would not be capable to be involved in professional cycling. His cancer spread on other parts of the body, including brain. After Lance Armstrong experienced chemotherapy he got recovery. So, Lance Armstrong didn’t have any link to the team. He didn’t promote administering steroids and other related drugs in professional cycling. It became evident that doping was organized by Pedro Celaya before Lance Armstrong’s arrival.
During 1990s professional cyclists used Andriol. Then they applied testosterone patches. Under indications of Pedro Celaya cyclists utilized the method of overdosing in order to avoid detection by anti-doping officers.

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