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воскресенье, 20 января 2013 г.

Will Lance Armstrong go to prison, if he admits to doping?

An individual that didn’t desire to be indentified has disclosed that Lance Armstrong is going to admit to taking prohibited drugs during an interview with the American talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Is this a right decision of the famous cyclist? Points of view differ. Several individuals believe that if the American cyclist admits to doping, his reputation will be restored. Others claim that the admission will alter nothing. Some other persons affirm that if Lance Armstrong does it, he will be probably sentenced to imprisonment.
As you know, Lance Armstrong denied administering steroids and other banned medicines. He seemed to succeed till the USADA published a report on him. The USADA’s dossier presented doping evidence. As a result, the cyclist was stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles. Furthermore, his sponsors dropped him. In addition to these negative conditions, Lance Armstrong had to distance himself from the cancer-fighting foundation Livestrong in order to prevent negative influence of his problems on it.
Will Lance Armstrong admit to administering prohibited substances? Which will be consequences?
Several experts affirm that prosecution will take place, if Lance Armstrong admits to doping. The cyclist has pronounced under the oath that he never used any prohibited medications. Thus, if he admits to doping, it means that he admits to lying under the oath. As a result, he may be sentenced to prison. That’s why some experts claim that Lance Armstrong should continue denying doping.
But there are persons who affirm that the admission will alter nothing. Millions of persons with cancer that have survived with the help of Livestrong praise Lance Armstrong. The cyclist is a hero for them. These individuals like him, regardless of whether he has doped or not. If even Lance Armstrong admits to administering forbidden medications throughout his cycling career, these persons will continue to support him.
But there is also another point of view. If Lance Armstrong presents important information about intake of performance-enhancing drugs in the US Postal Service Cycling Team, his suspension from competitions may be reduced. So, the disgraced cyclist will probably compete again.
It is unclear whether Lance Armstrong will really admit and which results will follow.

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