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вторник, 7 февраля 2012 г.

How did knowledge about steroid use in baseball affect Jose Canseco’s life?

Jose Canseco who has called himself as a “godfather of steroids” in baseball writes his third book. The author avoids discussing anabolic steroids and other drugs that have performance-enhancing effects. The writer desires to focus on his own experience. The book with the title “The truth hurts” will describe how the writer’s revelations about administration of steroids in baseball corrupted his life. Jose Canseco is going to mention that he has been affected both professionally and financially because of the truth.
Jose Canseco’s first book is entitled as “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big”. It is the bestseller. The author named certain baseball players that administrated steroids. Names of such players, as Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro and Jason Giambi were mentioned in the book. So, Jose Canseco made public steroid users in baseball. Furthermore, as a result, some of these accused sportspersons admitted that they applied forbidden medications. Later, as a celebration of this aspect, Jose published another book which had the title “Vindicated”. Jose Canseco mentioned also names of other baseball players that administrated steroids. Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens were named by the author.
Certain individuals suppose that the third book of this writer will fail. It will not reach the same popularity as previous books, according to them. These persons say that the author will be probably surprised but connections between truth about steroids and his professional life will not attract readers.
But it is unclear whether the suppositions of these persons who claim that the third book of this writer will fail will be turned to be true. The author has been entertaining many individuals, when he fought against Danny Bonaduce in a celebrity boxing match in 2009. Earlier he was humbled, when he fought against the former football player Vai Sikahema in a boxing match. Jose Canseco was knocked by the former football player and was ridiculed by numerous people.
It is known that Jose Canseco used anabolic steroids and his natural testosterone production became reduced. Thus, he suffered from such unexpected effects of steroids, as reduced libido and depression.
This person also wanted to contraband HCG across the Mexican border. He did it for self-administration to be treated from low testosterone level. Thus, he had legal troubles related to steroids.
Recently this person entertained numerous people, when he wrote on his Twitter account that he would hit easily a softball further than Rodriguez can hit a baseball. He challenged Alex Rodriguez to compete with him.
The time comes, when we see whether the book of Jose Canseco “The truth hits” will achieve celebrity.

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