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понедельник, 6 августа 2012 г.

Victor Conte: athletes continue to use steroids but they apply lower dosages

Recently Victor Conte, the founder of BALCO, expressed his thoughts about testing program of anti-doping agencies and the current state of doping among sportspersons.
Conte has noted that it is unlikely that the 2012 Summer Olympics would be free from administration of steroids and other doping products. Conte claimed in an interview that Olympic anti-doping testing policy had different lacks. So, consumers of steroids were also chosen to compete at the 2012 Olympics.
The founder of BALCO doesn’t believe that usage of forbidden products has reduced. He doesn’t agree with individuals who claim that reduced performance in various sports is a proof that steroids and other related drugs are almost excluded from sports.
Conte confirms that steroids are widely used now too. Efforts of anti-doping agencies led to adoption of athletes. Thus, sportspersons don’t take as increased dosages as have been administered before.  Nonetheless, usage of steroids and other banned drugs continues to be a concern.
Victor Conte is sure that sportspersons don’t take such designer steroids, as THG. Instead of taking such medications, sportspersons use the steroid testosterone that is claimed to be the grandfather of all steroids.  Victor Conte adds that since testosterone is fast-acting and it comes in form of creams, gels, patches and injections, it is widely administered by sportspeople. Moreover, not very high doses of testosterone are needed in order to get great effects. This steroid is widespread among Major League Baseball players.
Victor Conte criticizes anti-doping policy. He states that anti-doping agencies have essential ambiguities. Even a truck may go through loopholes that are in doping laws, according to the founder of BALCO.

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