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суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

The UFC thinks that it is impossible to travel around the world to test 375 fighters randomly

Dana White, the UFC President, tries to defend UFC efforts against doping.  The UFC President claims that the UFC fights seriously to push forbidden medicines out of sports. He claims that they do more than any other sport organization for this need.
Unfortunately, statements of Dana White are presented only for public relations purposes. They are completely false. The UFC doesn’t do more than any other sport organization, fighting against administration of prohibited medications.
White thinks that it is impossible to perform random drug testing in the UFC. He says that they have 375 athletes under contract. He notices that it is impossible to perform random tests because these fighters live everywhere; they travel around the world. Dana White finds it unreal to travel in various countries, looking for these 375 persons, in order to test them continually.
While The UFC President desires to convince others that it is impossible to test randomly 375 UFC guys, other sport organizations do it with their athletes. They perform random testing successfully.
It is not entirely clear what happens really. Does Dana White desire to mislead public about administration of doping products in the UFC? Or is he ignorant entirely, when it comes to the laws of the World Anti-Doping Agency?
The CEO of the US Anti-Doping Agency confirms that the UFC does everything in order to avoid following the laws of the WADA. They have own rules and struggle against the WADA laws. Although the UFC confirms that they try to protect their sports from usage of banned medications by the WADA rules, the reality demonstrates that it is not true. The UFC rules are miserable in comparison with those of the WADA. Don’t be mistaken!

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