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среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Hamilton Tigers-Cats didn’t want to provide second chance to Jordan Matechuk

The Canadian football player Jordan Matechuk was busted by the US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). He was caught having over 540 tablets of oral steroids and more than 260 ml of injectable steroids, when he was returning to the Hamilton Tiger-Cats training camp. Jordan Matechuk affirmed that his depression was responsible for the decision to get and utilize anabolic steroids.
Jordan Matechuk said that he utilized anabolic steroids and marijuana in order to be able to manage his depression. The football player noted that earlier he had used anti-depressant drugs. Stopping utilizing anti-depressant preparations probably resulted in administration of steroids.
The football player affirmed that he had depression. He started to take anabolic steroids and marijuana in order to feel better. Matechuk acknowledged that he was responsible for this condition. He wouldn’t have stopped applying anti-depressant medicines. But he stopped administering them. This factor resulted in usage of steroids.
The football player Matechuk pleaded guilty to possession of steroids and marijuana.
However he faced up to 2 years in jail, he was sentenced to 90 years in jail. But Jordan Matechuk was released after he served just 60 days.
Jordan Matechuk claimed that there were certain other conditions but he decided to keep them out of public knowledge.
The Canadian Football League provided him another chance to play professional football.
He wrote a letter and sent it to each member of the team. Matechuk claimed about his shame for his arrest linked with possession and intake of steroids. The Hamilton Tiger-Cats didn’t want to receive the steroid user back to the team.
But the Winnipeg Blue Bombers decided to provide him the second chance. Thus, he was happily accepted by this team.

However it is evident that Australian bodybuilder has imported raw steroid powder for distribution, judge believed that he had done it for self-administration

Brenton Dowell, an Australian bodybuilder, was caught possessing and illegally importing large quantities of anabolic steroids in March 2011. It was determined that these steroids could be sufficient to be used for more than sixty years by a person. A lot of people thought that this bodybuilder would be sentenced to jail. But Brenton Dowell avoided imprisonment successfully.
The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service noted that Brenton Dowell had tried to import over 3 kg of testosterone powder. The packages which contained the raw steroid powder were mailed in September, October and November 2011. They were directed to three various places: to Dowell’s home, to his father and his stepfather.
In fact, such large quantities of raw testosterone powder could be bought only for manufacture of anabolic steroids by underground labs in order to sell them on the black market. 3, 000 g of raw steroid powder could be used for getting of 1500 10-ml vials with ready preparations.
Len Hartnett, the defense attorney for Brenton Dowell, claimed that the steroid powder had been ordered for his client’s personal intake. He added that Dowell’s administration of steroids was a response to bullying attacks that he received, when he was an overweight boy. So, according to Len Harnett, Brenton Dowell became addicted to bodybuilding and began to use steroids because he was an overweight child.
The judge Graeme Hicks was influenced by words of the defense attorney Len Harnett that described experiences of Dowell in his childhood. The judge added that it could be concluded that Dowell had become obsessed by bodybuilding.
Thus, the judge believed the arguments of Len Harnett. Based on the descriptions and affirmations of the defense attorney, the judge Graeme Hicks believed that the bodybuilder Brenton Dowell had bought steroids for self-administration and for sales to his friends in order to pay off personal administration.
Brenton Dowell was sentenced to a fine of 10, 000 dollars and probation of two years.

суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

Incorrect conclusions of pathologist

Georgina Howarth, a pathologist, affirmed that the death of Mohammed Belkhair, a 19-year person, had been caused by intake of anabolic steroids. The doctor explained that anabolic steroids had led to heart failure which had resulted in the death.
According to the pathologist Howarth, if this guy had not applied steroids, he would have lived today. She affirmed that application of steroids was the only cause of the death. The pathologist noted that the death of this boy was a lesson for every person to be far from such drugs.
Mohammed Belkhair’s sister found him vomiting in his room on May, 2011. The teenager acknowledged that he had utilized steroids. The death occurred at the same day. It was reported that steroids had been found in his system.
According to several articles, DHEA and Tamoxifen were 2 steroids that were found in the system of the teenager. DHEA is sold overall in Britain and in the USA.
But actually, the news is misleading. Tamoxifen doesn’t belong to anabolic steroids. This drug has been initially elaborated to treat individuals with breast cancer. It has become popular among sportspeople and bodybuilders that apply steroids due to its capacity to prevent aromatization of other products.
It seems to be strange but nothing was noted about arrest of Mohammed Belkhair. This condition might contribute in the death. This boy was arrested on the night before his death by police officers. 4 different anabolic steroids were found in his room. But the names of the steroids were not mentioned.
However the police encounter and arrest occurred some hours before the death of Mohammed Belkhair, the doctor Georgina Howarth didn’t investigate these factors. Moreover, she didn’t provide any explanation about this condition. Police officials revealed nothing too.
Since it was announced that Mohammed Belkhair had bought steroids online, the news connected with risks of purchasing steroids via internet were spread in the country. Thus, it turned out to be convenient for changing the laws in order to make purchasing of steroids per internet illegal in Britain. The British government plans to make personal import of steroids per mail and per internet illegal. It will be in near future. However it is believed that these laws will be enacted before the 2012 Olympics, they are not still enacted.

No any athlete that possesses steroids for personal use can be stop importing steroids to the UK

Officials of the UK will be not capable to stop athletes importing steroids to the UK, when they come to participate in the 2012 Summer Olympics. Although usage of steroids is banned in sports, personal usage of these medications is legal in the UK. Just distribution of steroids is considered to be illicit in this country. Thus, if anybody attempts to import quantity of anabolic steroids that is obviously large, he/she will not be permitted to do it.
Before Olympics took place in Australia, Canada and China, governments of these countries changed legislation connected with import and application of steroids at least temporally. But the British government doesn’t want to modify steroid legislation for the 2012 Olympic Games.
Ironically, while the government of the UK refuses to make personal intake of steroids illicit, Britain athletes are banned for lifetime, if they administer anabolic steroids. When it comes to the WADA Code, sportspersons who administer forbidden products are banned for 2 years.
The Olympic minister Hugh Robertson notes that it is needed to have a universal policy related to sentencing. This minister insists on at least four years or even longer.  However this minister is supported by the British Olympic Association, the UK Anti-Doping Agency doesn’t support such harsh punishment. The CEO of the UK Anti-Doping Agency Andi Parkinson states that some sanctions should be milder.
The Olympic minister admits that there are different opinions in sports and it’s not well but he doesn’t ask the CEO of the UKAD to resign.
The spokesperson for Hugh Robertson has claimed that any athlete can have steroids in his/her luggage, when he/she arrives to London. But the quantity of steroids should demonstrate that he/she possesses them just for personal administration. The spokesman has noted that it is not illegal for a sportsperson to use steroids under laws of the UK but if any athlete is caught administering banned medications, he/she will be punished under anti-doping laws.
The UKAD stated that they would cooperate with border control officers. Information about sportspeople will be used by anti-doping officials.
5, 000 drug test, including 1, 000 blood tests will be conducted by the International Olympic Committee.

среда, 23 мая 2012 г.

Close links between steroid users and grave heart dysfunctions

Prolonged intake of anabolic steroids may lead to different heart diseases. It increases dangers linked with heart failure. These affirmations have been noted in a study that has been presented in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal.
Anabolic-androgenic steroids work like testosterone that occurs naturally and which is responsible for development of male sex characteristics.
The leader of the study Aaron L. Baggish states that in addition to the factor that anabolic steroids are illegal, they are connected with unwanted consequences for health. He notices that it is the first time, when negative influence of prolonged administration of steroids on heart is clearly realized.
The research displayed that the left ventricle in users of steroids was essentially weaker during contraction than in those who didn’t apply steroids.
A left ventricle which acts correctly pumps out 55-70 % of the blood which fills the heart.
 12 users of steroids were enrolled in the study. It was manifested that the left ventricles of 83 % these steroid users worked improperly: they pumped out less than 55 % of the blood.   Among the examined non-users just one person experienced troubles related to the function of the left ventricle.
The research demonstrated that ventricle relaxation among consumers of steroids was reduced by about half. It was 0, 93 among consumers of steroids; 1, 80 – among non-users. The structure of the left ventricle was similar in both groups: users of steroids and non-users.
It was applied the method “Doppler echocardiography” for evaluation of function and structure of the left ventricle. This technique uses ultrasound for creation of moving pictures of the heart and its blood flow.
 The group of steroid users included 12 weightlifters at the age of about 40 that said that they used approximately 675 mg of steroids per week for 9 years. The other group included weightlifters that didn’t administer steroids. Both groups had the same physical activity and similar risks linked with heart troubles. But they had differences in body mass and muscle size. The steroid users had more muscular appearance.
Although small number of steroid users has been examined, the results have demonstrated that there is a close link between administration of steroids and heart impairment.
The specialists decided to conduct further studies in order to support the results of this research.
Baggish and his colleagues think that people will realize that usage of steroids may lead to heart problems and various unexplained heart dysfunctions in young people.

Methods for achievement of great success in bodybuilding

Bodybuilding doesn’t belong to exciting sports. Any bodybuilder can support this statement. People who are involved in bodybuilding spend much time at gyms, training; they prepare appropriate meal and make endless researches. What is this work done for? – Only for 30 seconds on stage. Of course, if bodybuilders achieve high results, they receive awards, praise, and admiration of others. Their photos are posted on covers of fit magazines. They become well-known.
Unluckily, the most of bodybuilders never achieve this level because it is required a lot of work and money for this purpose. But any bodybuilder hopes to achieve this level: to be a top bodybuilder, to get money and other awards. If you have any interest to learn what is required for success in bodybuilding, you may look at Jay Cutler and some other persons. You can also learn role of steroids for success in bodybuilding.
Jay Cutler is one of the most famous bodybuilders in history. Moreover, he has received Mr. Olympia titles 4 times. This person spends much time for sports. He says that he doesn’t make plans. He eats around the clock. Jay Cutler consumes 4, 000 – 7, 000 calories per day. Chicken breasts are at the center of his much food.
It is interesting to notice that Cutler spends more time for consumption of meals than for trainings. He lifts for about 2 hours and gets cardio an hour per day. Cutler states that his day differs substantially from thoughts of people about it. Those who are not involved in bodybuilding suggest that bodybuilders train 8 hours daily. They think that if they apply steroids, they will look like professional bodybuilders.
Jay Cutler notes that steroids are not everything in bodybuilding but they play an essential role in it. He confirms that if anyone desires to reach obvious success in sports, he/she should use steroids. Ron Stevens, who is in the sport 15 years, supports the affirmation of Jay Cutler about steroids. He notices that it is impossible to compete without usage of these preparations. After some shows Ron Stevens decided to apply steroids.
Stevens is also a dedicated bodybuilder like Jay Cutler. He consumes much food which could be enough for a family that consists of five members.
The most of bodybuilders haven’t obtained great supplement contracts. They don’t have sufficient money to support their efforts and obtain titles of Mr. Olympia.
In fact, the most of dedicated bodybuilders have regular jobs and hope that they will achieve obvious success one day.
As for Jay Cutler, he had two jobs. This bodybuilder worked and spent each dollar he received for bodybuilding. Finally, he achieved great success. His every effort was paid off.
Thinking over Jay Cutler, any bodybuilder can be encouraged in hopes that he will succeed obviously one day. Infamous bodybuilders can dream at least.

суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

The UFC thinks that it is impossible to travel around the world to test 375 fighters randomly

Dana White, the UFC President, tries to defend UFC efforts against doping.  The UFC President claims that the UFC fights seriously to push forbidden medicines out of sports. He claims that they do more than any other sport organization for this need.
Unfortunately, statements of Dana White are presented only for public relations purposes. They are completely false. The UFC doesn’t do more than any other sport organization, fighting against administration of prohibited medications.
White thinks that it is impossible to perform random drug testing in the UFC. He says that they have 375 athletes under contract. He notices that it is impossible to perform random tests because these fighters live everywhere; they travel around the world. Dana White finds it unreal to travel in various countries, looking for these 375 persons, in order to test them continually.
While The UFC President desires to convince others that it is impossible to test randomly 375 UFC guys, other sport organizations do it with their athletes. They perform random testing successfully.
It is not entirely clear what happens really. Does Dana White desire to mislead public about administration of doping products in the UFC? Or is he ignorant entirely, when it comes to the laws of the World Anti-Doping Agency?
The CEO of the US Anti-Doping Agency confirms that the UFC does everything in order to avoid following the laws of the WADA. They have own rules and struggle against the WADA laws. Although the UFC confirms that they try to protect their sports from usage of banned medications by the WADA rules, the reality demonstrates that it is not true. The UFC rules are miserable in comparison with those of the WADA. Don’t be mistaken!

Santos Cyborg didn’t know that the weight loss supplement that she used was a steroid

Every fan of Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos and each fan of Ronda Rousey desired to hear an open respond of Santos to her positives for the anabolic steroid Winstrol. Lastly the fighter Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos responded openly. The female mixed martial artist pronounced a speech that was presented by the female mixed martial artist spoke in Portuguese. The lady affirmed that steroids were horrible. She confirmed that she would have never utilized them knowingly.
Positives of Cyborg Santos for Winstrol were announced during the Strikeforce: Melendez vs Masvidal in San Diego in December 2011. She affirmed that she had never administered anabolic steroids knowingly. This fighter claimed that she had administered a weight loss agent which had been supplied by a member of her camp.
The mixed martial artist noticed that she hadn’t known that the preparation was a steroid. She confirmed that it had been her mistake that she had trusted that member of her camp.
Santos Cyborg tried to make it clear that those that called her a cheater were mistaken. She mentioned that the only her mistake was to administer a supplement which was able to help her to lose weight.
As a result, the female mixed martial artist was sentenced to one-year suspension by the California State Athletic Commission. She forfeited her Strikeforce Women’s Championship title.
Santos’ appeal connected with her ban was scheduled on April 9, 2012.
After Santos Cyborg tested positive for Winstrol, Ronda Rousey claimed that she always supposed that Cyborg administered steroids because her muscular appearance displayed it.  Ronda noted that everybody knew that Santos Cyborg had administered steroids. Ronda Rousey added that nobody should be allowed to take banned drugs in order to win. Ronda pointed out that it was a great thing that Santos had been caught.
Everyone is looking forward to a fight between Santos Cyborg and Ronda Rousey. Who will be the winner?

вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

Why are many persons interested in the steroid interview of Mike Wallace with Roger Clemens?

Mike Wallace, a well-known investigative journalist, who was one of the original correspondents of CBS’ 60 Minutes died, when he was 93 years old. This correspondent made interesting interviews with world prominent persons. The most recent stories were linked with the former professional baseball player Roger Clemens and accusations related to intake of anabolic steroids and HGH by this person. Mike Wallace’s last appearance on TV was connected with this case.
The interview with Roger Clemens about steroids was presented in January, 2008. Rusty Hardin, the defense attorney for Roger Clemens, arranged the appearing of this former baseball player in the program 60 Minutes. Roger Clemens had to defense himself against accusations of his former personal coach Brian McNamee. This person accused Roger Clemens in usage of anabolic steroids and HGH. He cooperated with Mitchell Report investigators, when they tried to define the extent of steroid use in the Major League Baseball.
Wallace didn’t enforce Clemens to say that he administered steroids. He just encouraged him to prove to others that he had applied neither steroids, nor HGH. Clemens claimed that he would be able to pull a tractor with his teeth, if he had administered steroids.
The interview of Clemens was a black public relations ploy for Rusty Hardin. It was not a perceptive interview. But it renewed the interest after Wallace had died.
In fact, Wallace presented much more substantial interviews during his career. The steroid interview with Roger Clemens was not the most interesting. Why did it draw every person’s attention?
Other interviews of Wallace are quite interesting. Wallace made an interview with the lawyer of the president Richard Nixon and the assistant to the president for Domestic Affairs John Ehrlichman during the Watergate scandal. Wallace defined the Watergate scandal as “perjury”. He listed such methods of Richard Nixon, as thefts, spying, obstruction of justice, etc. The scandal caused resignation of the president Richard Nixon.
The Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini was also interviewed by Wallace. The journalist identified him as a “lunatic”. However, he was quoting the president Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt.
Another individual that was interviewed by Wallace was the Vice President of Research and Development at a tobacco company. Jeffrey Wigand acknowledged during the interview that executives of the company cheated before the Congress about their knowledge about nature of nicotine.
Although these interviews were significant, a lot of people directed their attention to insignificant interview with the former baseball player Roger Clemens. It may be because while lying of Roger Clemens before the Congress can lead to federal struggle against steroids, the war on nicotine will never take place.

Recent researches have determined functions of mustard for enhancement of hard muscles and stamina

Certain recent studies have set some benefits of mustard. Everyone knows that it is a good remedy which adds pleasant flavor to meal. Furthermore, it has been discovered that mustard can help to lose fat and improve physical appearance.
A study related to mustard has been conducted by Debora Esposito and his colleagues at North Carolina University in Kannapolis (USA). It has been reported under results of the research that a compound that is named “homobrassinolide” found in mustard and other related herbs is able to increase lean muscle mass and strength in mammals.
28-Homobrassinolide represents a brassinosteroid. It is a type of steroid that has been found in plants which are included in Brassica family. It has been known that it may promote growing plants. But no one has been aware about its function in mammals. The specialists have defined that homobrassinolide is capable to lead to anabolic effects in mammals. It induces increasing synthesis of protein, stimulates appetite and increases muscle mass through enhancement of number and size of muscle fibers in animals.
Healthy rats have been implicated in the research. They have been given oral homobrassinolide during 24 days. Dual-emission x-ray absorptiometry analysis has been used in order to check changes in weight, food consumption and composition of rats’ bodies. It has been observed that animals that have been given homobrassinolide have acquired significantly more muscle mass than those that have not received this compound.
Increase of muscle size indicates about a higher basal metabolic rate. Increased BMR is associated with great caloric burning which helps to stay lean.
So, the research has clearly displayed that homobrassinolide increases protein synthesis, enhances size and number of muscle fibers that play an essential role for enhancement of energy.
Experts suggest that such plants, as mustard, can be used for more enhanced brassinosteroid content. It can help to have lean muscle mass, enhance it and prevent certain illnesses.
It is suggested that future supplement and medicine industry will introduce preparations that will be useful in case of some diseases linked with muscle wasting. Such products can be used as alternative drugs to synthetic steroids because the first ones will probably have minimal or no undesirable consequences.
Leaves of mustard are low-calorie. They are rich in antioxidants. Leaves of mustard have anti-inflammatory features. Moreover, they represent a brilliant source of iron, magnesium, fiber, selenium and phosphorous.
Mustard may be applied for preparing salads, curds and tempering. It would be useful to take at least one teaspoon of mustard with water or meal in order to receive certain benefits.

воскресенье, 13 мая 2012 г.

Dr. Beltran was caught possessing steroids and other doping medications

Mossos d’Esqudra and Spain’s Policia Nacional conducted a steroid investigation that led to arrest of 10 individuals that were implicated in a steroid ring. These individuals provided top amateur and professional sportspeople and even Olympic athletes with anabolic steroids, HGH, EPO, CERA and other related medications.  The investigation was called “Operacion Skype”. The steroid ring was located in Barcelona.
The investigation was initially related to the professional cyclist David Garcia Dapena that tested positive for EPO after the 2010 Vuelta a Espana. It was confirmed that the cyclist had high hematocrit levels which indicated about usage of EPO.
Garcia didn’t deny application of the banned drug. He collaborated with the police officers. The cyclist acknowledged that he had bought drugs with performance-enhancing effects from the physician Alberto Beltran Nino.
It was discovered that Beltran had been the leader of an organization focused on sophisticated doping. This organization supplied cyclists and other sportspersons with banned preparations. It was also determined that several sportspersons who participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 2010 Vuelta a Espana, the 2009 Tour du Portugal and the 2012 Spanish Athletics Championships belonged to the group of sportspersons that bought steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs from this doping organization.
It was even earlier suspected that Beltran supplied sportspersons with steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs and taught them how to avoid being caught. This physician was arrested in Italy after he was caught driving his car which contained steroids and other doping medicines.
Nuno Ribeiro, a Portuguese professional cyclist, accused the doctor Beltran in injecting him with banned medicines after he tested positive for CERA in 2009.
Jose Luis Blanco, a sprinter, assisted in the steroid investigation which had been led against Beltran after this sportsperson tested positive for EPO at the 2012 Spanish Athletics Championships.
Beltran moved to Bahrain in 2009. Since that time the doctor had no any direct contact with any sportsperson.
Nevertheless, the police suppose that he has set up a team of intermediaries in various countries. They have purchased steroids and other related preparations and supplied top athletes with them.
Beltran was detained in Madrid in March 2012 by police officials. He was caught possessing AICAR and TB-500.
However no any athlete has tested positive for these drugs, it is believed that some sportspersons have intended to apply these products.

Attention! AndroGel for bodybuilding!
Besides standard indications to this steroid, it is needed to follow several specified rules, when it comes to usage of AndroGel for bodybuilding. Those who want to increase muscle mass due to this gel need to do exercises that implicate big muscles during administration of this medication. Bench presses, leg presses, squats and arm curls must be done. As for cardio exercises, they must be avoided during usage of AndroGel for bodybuilding. It is necessary to have also proper diets, if you want to get splendid results. A lot of protein and starchy carbohydrate must be present in your food.

The corticosteroid Oradexon is widely used by prostitutes in Bangladesh

Young females in Bangladesh who are involved in prostitution take steroids to add weight and bulk up. It has been written by Reuters. The article’s headline has the following words: “dark steroid secret”. It is confirmed that prostitutes from Bangladesh take steroids for improvement of their appearances. Undoubtedly, the first thoughts that come in mind in this case are related to administration of anabolic steroids. But reading the article completely and more attentively, anyone may notice that it is written not about anabolic steroids but about corticosteroids.
One of corticosteroids that are purchasable at pharmacies of Bangladesh is sold under the trade name Oradexon. It is not required to have a prescription in order to buy this drug. Its cost is about 15 taka which equal to 0, 18 USD dollars. Another name of this medicine is Dexamethasone. It is an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant medicine which is indicated for treatment of people with various illnesses. This product is over 25 times more potent that the natural steroid hormone cortisol.
90 % of sex workers at the 15 legal houses of prostitution from Bangladesh apply the corticosteroid Oradexon. 90 % equal to 900 young sex workers that use this drug systematically. They utilize it by own choice or are enforced to do it. So, some of them are enforced to use it. But others administer this product willingly because it is affirmed that corticosteroids are capable to add strength and improve health.
It may seem to be ironically but sex workers from Bangladesh  that take corticosteroids have the same purposes like those which encourage bodybuilders to take anabolic steroids. Prostitutes apply corticosteroids in order to improve physical appearance, add weight and increase appetite.
It is stated that Oradexon can give healthy appearance to consumers. It is appreciated by customers. A woman that is involved in prostitution in Bangladesh says that customers are looking for healthy women. Since she needs money to pay her bills and loans, she needs customers each day. If she doesn’t have any customer a day, she doesn’t have what to eat. Furthermore, she put efforts to earn money for her son.
Actually, side reactions that can occur because of corticosteroids are much more dangerous than those that can occur due to application of anabolic steroids. Corticosteroids can affect immune system, lead to osteoporosis and insulin resistance, increase appetite essentially, and increase weight and fat.
Specialists try to draw people’s attention to abuse of corticosteroids and potential side reactions of them.

What must you know about AndroGel dosage in order to acquire needed results?
AndroGel dosage is indicated by doctors that take into account following aspects: testosterone levels of patients, responses of their systems to administration of this medication, individual conditions and other medicines which are taken by patients. Generally, it is indicated to begin with the AndroGel dosage of 5 mg a day. The quantity is corrected during the treatment. If levels of testosterone are essentially low, the dosage has to be enhanced. If the levels are more enhanced than the normal rate, the treatment with this medicine must be stopped. The measure must be regulated just by physicians but not by those who utilize this product.

четверг, 10 мая 2012 г.

Unusual reasons of bans

The National Football League sentenced to suspensions D. J. Williams, a linebacker, and defensive lineman Ryan McBean of the team Denver Broncos for violation of steroid policy. They were suspended from six games. But they were not suspended for application of steroids. They didn’t test positive for steroids or other forbidden drugs. They were accused in providing “non-human” urine samples to the drug testing officer.
D. J. William affirmed that he had never tested for any banned substance during eight years of his career. The football player noticed that he was proud of his records. The football player mentioned that he was also proud of his manner in that he conducted himself, being a sportsperson.
Peter Schaffer, the defensive attorney for McBean, affirmed that the NFL had violated rights of this player. He noticed that since McBean had never tested positive for any forbidden medicine, the NFL didn’t have any right to sentence him to suspension.
Peter Schaffer confirmed that he intended to make it clear that neither D. J. Williams, nor Ryan McBean tested positive for prohibited products.
A lawsuit was filed in Denver County Court against suspensions of these players of the NFL.
D. J. Williams and Ryan McBean affirmed that the drug testing officer had violated certain rules linked with the procedure of collecting urine samples.
Peter Schaffer noted that certain similarities had been between his client and Ryan Braun. Braun won his appeal related to his suspension from 50 games for usage of testosterone. Ryan Braun could prove that Dino Laurenzi, the drug testing officer, violated steroid policy.
As for Laurenzi, he was defended and supported by different anti-doping agencies. The WADA also supported him. It was confirmed that there was the same procedure of collecting and sending urine samples not only for the MLB but also for the WADA.
But as for the drug testing officer that collected samples of Williams and McBean, another attitude was displayed to him. He was fired by the NFL for wrong doing his duty.
At the hearing the NFL administrators admitted that the drug testing officer violated the chain of custody for urine samples.
Nonetheless, the appeal on behalf of the players was rejected.

It is necessary to determine all new supplements whether they are safe for human usage

What may be called “a medication”? The FDA confirms that a drug represents a substance; it is not a supplement. It is utilized for diagnosis, cure, prevention of diseases, for appropriate influence on body’s functions. It is possible to conclude that a drug is a drug which has nothing to do with politics and great money.
But you may face certain confusion nowadays. A law that has been introduced in 1994 by Senators Orrin Hatch and Tom Harkin has caused the confusion between supplements and medicines. Thus, mega-billion dollar supplements industry has induced causing the disorder in clear definitions. Consumers’ ignorance and certain legislative statements with doubled sense have played great role in creation of following wrong conception: anything that is sold may be used without dangers.
This wrong conception led to different serious troubles. For example, over a year ago two young soldiers of the U. S. Army died due to administration of so-called “dietary supplements” Jack3d and OxyElite Pro. The case is still investigated. Actually, it has been defined that those soldiers had applied an amphetamine-like synthetic substance that has been called “dimethylamylamine”. It had negative influence on their cardiovascular and nervous systems. Since it has altered function of bodies, it is a medicine. However it is a prohibited compound applied by sportspersons, it is available at the Vitamin Shoppe or GNC.
Health stores offer for sales products which are similar to that compound mentioned above. They are getable as dietary supplements but it is not true.
Another example is DHEA. It represents a steroid that may be converted in consumers’ systems into anabolic steroids or neurohormonal steroids. This factor influences on physiological functions of body. Is it a supplement really?
Another product that is labeled as a dietary supplement is RockHard Weekend. It contains various substances. But does anybody know which substances are contained in the bottle? May anyone be sure that they are safe for administartion?
One of people’s mistakes is that they think the following way: if any product is made of plants, it is safe for application. Many persons believe that such supplements can’t affect body’s functions. It is wrong to believe this way. There are plants that are toxicant. It is not allowed to consume them.
Hemlock was the poison which led to Socrates’ death. It was derived from certain herb. Ricin that is considered to be one of the most poisonous compounds on the Earth is derived from a castor been roots. That’s why it is important to know what you use in order to avoid applying substances which contain any poison, regardless they are from herbs or not.
Why are companies allowed to offer for sales medicines as if they were supplements? Supplements don’t pass any FDA control. Here we can say about affirmations with doubled sense. The Hatch-Harken law allows the supplement industry to elaborate products which are labeled as supplements. But are they really supplements? Several drugs are sold, being marketed as dietary supplements. But it is wrong totally. These preparations can be unsafe.
Does anyone believe that anabolic steroids and other related medications may be labeled as supplements? Do they supplement or treat? A term was introduced in order to avoid utilizing medical terms. This term is “to support”. What does “to support” mean? Isn’t it a wink to the term “to cure”?
The FDA wants to establish control over dietary supplements. There will be a requirement for all new supplements to be safe.
Pharmaceutical companies spend great amount of dollars in order to set whether new drugs are safe. Some of them fail to be called “safe” due to dangerous negative effects. But as for manufacturers of dietary supplements, they don’t have these troubles because there do not have such regulations in supplement industry.
Supplement regulations are connected with money and not with science. Actually, they should have the same regulations like those that are established for pharmaceutical companies.

Key facts about Anavar results
General Anavar results include following aspects: decrease of levels of glucocorticoids, improvement of muscles’ quality, increase of energy, reparation of damaged muscles and stimulation of metabolism. Cutting effects of this remedy are excellent. Thousands athletes administer it in order to burn fat and acquire muscle mass of high quality. A 2-month phase with this medicine has capacity to induce adding 10 lbs of lean muscles and approximately 2% of fat burning. This steroid is applied not just by sportspeople but also by common persons that want to improve appearance. One of the most valuable characteristics is that   it is easy to sustain Anavar results. Benefits of this steroid are shown as well, when it is applied for several clinical purposes.

вторник, 8 мая 2012 г.

Expectations of trainers and our society in general promote using steroids by young athletes

Brian McNamee affirms that trainers are the principal persons that promote intake of anabolic steroids. The convicted distributor of steroids confirms that coaches have the most significant influence on decisions of young sportspersons to administer banned medicines. Their influence is bigger than one of street dealers who offer forbidden products for sales, trying to convince young sportspersons that they may succeed due to administration of these products. Brian McNamee supposes that trainers and the society teach young sportspersons that they should win at any cost. This aspect pressures students that go info sports. It induces causing their decision to use steroids and other related products.
Brian McNamee was invited to share his opinion at the Nassau Counselors Association’s conference. He pronounced some thoughts  during a presentation which was called “Creating a Safe Environment for Our Student-Athletes”. He got an honorarium of 200 dollars. McNamee presented this sum of money to the Taylor Hooton Foundation.
McNamee is known better as a trainer that has injected Roger Clemens with anabolic steroids and HGH. It was noted that he kept all syringes and vials that were applied for injecting Clemens with steroids during approximately seven years. Brian McNamee supported accusations of federal prosecutors against Clemens.
The testimony of McNamee induced publication of the Mitchell Report on steroids in the Major League Baseball. The Report was worth of 20 million dollars. It was publicized in December 2007. Affirmations of Brian McNamee and Kirk Radomski represented the base for publishing the report. They provided evidence related to usage of steroids in professional baseball. These men were enforced to collaborate with investigators of the Mitchell Report. It was their agreement which was achieved because of charges linked with steroids.
The agreement also suggests that McNamee will testify as a government witness in the trial of Roger Clemens. He didn’t have possibility to pronounce details related to the case of Roger Clemens during the Nassau Counselors Association. But the time will come, when he tells the story linked with Clemens.
However it was declared a mistrial in the first trial related to the case of Roger Clemens, it was scheduled a new trial.

Shaquille O’Neal and Jose Canseco want to fight in a ring

It has been recently noticed that Jose Canseco and Shaquille O’Neal have discussed their possibility to fight against each other in a match of mixed martial arts. The challenge was made by O’Neal last year but Jose Canseco didn’t take the challenge seriously. Just now Jose Canseco changed his attitude.
Numerous persons suppose that Jose Canseco needs money since he has been invited to play for the Triple-A Quintana Roo Tigres of the Mexican Baseball League.
Jose Canseco must have a steroid test before starting playing in this team. But as it is stated, he takes Testosterone Cypionate and HCG that are recommended by his doctor for testosterone replacement therapy. However he has justified therapeutic needs for administration of these medicines, he should get several specific documents to be allowed to play baseball professionally. While his fate related to playing baseball professionally is not yet decided, he desires to fight against O’Neal in a ring.
Shaquille O’Neal has reported that he is ready to fight against Jose Canseco. He mentioned that he had challenged Canseco long ago.
O’Neal doesn’t trouble that Jose Canseco applies anabolic steroids. He possesses own secret methods and he states that he is able to neutralize effects of Jose Canseco that are caused by usage of Testosterone Cypionate.
It was scheduled that Jose Canseco would fight against Lenny Dykstra, a former player of the MLB. When this man played baseball professionally, he also applied anabolic steroids.
Randall Lane states in his book “The Zeroes: My Misadventures in the Decade Wall Street Went Insane” that Lenny Dykstra has admitted that he administered anabolic steroids. Dykstra told Lane that Jose Canseco and he had caused steroid revolution in baseball.
Jeff Scott, a bodybuilder from Florida, noted that he supplied Lenny Dykstra with performance-enhancing drugs at sums of 20, 000 dollars. He also added that he injected Dykstra with steroids numerous times.
But the fight between Dykstra and Jose Canseco never occurred because Dykstra was prosecuted on certain counts, including thefts, false financial statements and possession of illicit products. As a result, he was sentenced to jail.
Shaquille O’Neal offered to fight against Jose Canseco instead of Dykstra. He asked the UFC’s president Dana White to arrange a ring with Jose Canseco. Jose Canseco accepted the challenge of O’Neil.

четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

The BOA tries to prove that the laws of the WADA related to doping are not good enough

The British Olympic Association put efforts to justify itself for the fact that it breaks Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency. According to rules of the WADA, punishment for usage of anabolic steroids and other related drugs must be the same around the  world. The punishment that is indicated for an athlete who has used prohibited drugs for the first time is sentencing to 2-year suspensions.
But the British Olympic Association thinks that such penalty is not sufficient. The BOA sentences users of steroids for life-time bans from taking part in the Olympics. The WADA confirms that this rule of the BOA contradicts the WADA Code which is unvarying.
Lord Moynihan, the chairman of the BOA, hasn’t agreed to change the law. As a result, a hearing has been scheduled to be at a Court of Arbitration for Sports in London.
The athletes that had administered banned products were banned by the International Olympic Committee from participations in Olympics under the Osaka Rule.
Moynihan claimed that the law of the BOA related to life-time bans wouldn’t be cancel, if even the CAS would not support it. The BOA thinks that it has the best rules.
Lord Moynihan supported statements written by the former British Olympic decathlete Daley Thompson who noticed that British rules connected with application of forbidden medications were the best. He noticed that they shouldn’t be overthrown by the rest part of the world.
Delay Thompson believes that dopers should be punished harshly. They should be suspended for the whole life. According to his statements, the BOA shouldn’t agree with the rule of the WADA to sentence cheaters just for 2-year suspensions. He notes that the Britain wants to have the highest sport standards. He notes that if the rest part of the world doesn’t want to have high standards, it doesn’t mean that Britain must follow their low levels.
David Howman, the director general of the WADA, criticizes the opinion pronounced by Daley, noticing that steroid testing has been only on its early level of development, when he has won his gold medals in Olympics in Moscow and Los Angeles.
Travis Tygart, the CEO of the US Anti-Doping Agency, criticizes the BOA for its refusal to submit to the laws of the WADA. It seems to be strange that Travis Tygart that usually blames dopers criticizes the BOA for the strict rule.
Travis claims that since international rules have been once established and all have agreed to them, anybody must obey them.
Dwain Chambers and David Millar, British athletes, who have been earlier banned for application of prohibited drugs wait for the decisions connected with this issue. They want to know whether they will be allowed to participate in the 2012 London Olympics.

Do you want to chose which version to apply: Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate?
Many steroid users, especially those that administer or desire to utilize testosterone, often ask the following question: “Which version is more proper for athletic needs: Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate?” These esters have different molecular structures that influence on differences that exist between these two versions of testosterone. Knowing structures of these esters of testosterone you can answer on the following questions: “Which is less soluble: Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate?” and “Which ester has shorter duration of action?” Having larger number of carbons in the chain, Enanthate is less soluble in water and has longer half life than Propionate. These differences can help you to choose a version that is  convenient for you.

How did Patrick Arnold start manufacturing anabolic steroids?

Nobody from New Jersey desires to be involved in a low-paying job which is related to production of chemicals which are used in shampoos and hair gels. Let remind what has happened in this state in 1994.
Patrick Arnold, a person that was 24 years old, was alone in a room. He was mixing several special thickeners to enhance viscosity of some liquids. This guy was doing this job a lot of time. So, he had sufficient time to meditate about his life, blaming it. He was unhappy that the job was bothering and nothing interesting happened. But there was no any other job.
Although his future was before him, several months passed before he found the way.
Patrick Arnold was a glowing weightlifter. But he has discontinued much time ago to put his efforts to bulk up. Nevertheless, everyday after his job he went to a gym where he had trainings and had discussions with other guys. Their conversions were frequently linked with anabolic steroids. Arnold had specialized in chemistry at the University of New Haven. So,  the conversions linked with steroids led him to meditations.
Once after Arnold had stirred thickeners he went to the chemistry library and looked at molecular structures of the steroids that were described in some fitness magazines. Anabolic steroids had been already pronounced to be forbidden drugs. But there was still sufficient information about these preparations.
Staring at molecular structures of steroids, Arnold was thinking why he was doing that uninteresting job. This guy thought that it would be much more pleasant for him to try producing steroids himself. He ordered several chemicals through the company. It was required to have them for manufacture of steroids. No one was aware what he intended to do.
Beginning the new job, Arnold experienced some troubles. Progress didn’t appear at once. For example, he desired to make a drug which had to have a crystalline structure. But it turned out to be that he got liquid that was like sticky oil. He understood that it indicated that potentially toxic impurities and reactants were not split from the brew. Step by step he became more versed. He began to utilize solvents in order to wash impurities and reagents away. He could manufacture proper medicines. Their crystalline structures proved that they had needed level of purity.

Do you want to decide which form to use: Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate?
Numerous persons, especially those who administer or plan to take testosterone, often ask the following question: “Which form is better for athletic purposes: Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate?” These esters have various chemical structures that influence on differences that exist between these two testosterone esters. Knowing structures of these esters of testosterone it is possible answer on the following questions: “Which is more soluble: Testosterone Propionate vs Enanthate?” and “Which version has shorter length of action?” Having larger number of carbons in the chain, Enanthate is less soluble in water and has longer length of action than Propionate. These differences can help you to choose a version that is proper for you.