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понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

Does Tommy John surgery increase performance?

High school athletes do a lot in order to enhance their muscles and improve performance. While certain sportspersons try to increase speed, baseball players try to increase throwing speed.
What do high school athletes actually do for this purpose? As you know, numerous sportspeople take anabolic steroids in order to get muscles and enhance performance. But administration of steroids and other related preparations is not the only method which seems to be effective for certain athletic purposes. Several high school athletes want to have the operation ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction which is also known as Tommy John surgery.
In fact, high school athletes don’t know about certain aspects linked with Tommy John surgery. They base their conceptions on the case related to the baseball player Tommy John who got UCL damage during a baseball game. After the damage the baseball player was too disappointed. He thought that didn’t have any chance longer to play baseball professionally. This person consulted the surgeon Frank Jobe. The physician operated this baseball player successfully. After the surgery Tommy John returned to baseball. His further career was very successful. Tommy John won many games. Thus, this surgery was called after this baseball player: Tommy John surgery.
When high school athletes learn about Tommy John, they want to become as good players, as he was. They suppose that the surgery induced winning because this person won more games after the operation than before. Although high school athletes may suggest correctly, they have certain wrong conceptions about this surgery. They believe that they may be operated in absence of any damage and enhance their performance. But high school athletes don’t take in consideration that nobody can come back to playing baseball soon after such operation. Certain period of time is required to receive recovery. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that some risks connected with Tommy John surgery. They may get permanently stiff elbow. Certain other dangers are also connected with this operation.
Thus, high school athletes don’t comprehend the essence of this operation correctly. When they have elbow pains, they visit their doctors, trying to convince them they need to be subjected to Tommy John surgery.

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