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пятница, 30 ноября 2012 г.

Mark McGwire was asked by Los Angeles Dodgers to coach them

The American professional baseball player and coach Mark McGwire gets rid of his past connected with administration of steroids successfully. He gains his popularity again. This person is actively implicated in professional baseball again.
Although Mark McGwire knows that he doesn’t have any chance to be introduced into the Hall of Fame, he is not discouraged. He continues to like baseball.
St. Louis Cardinals were coached by this person two seasons. Then this person decided to stop coaching this team because he needs to spend more time with his family. Fortunately, the American baseball coach will not leave professional baseball in order to have more time for his family. The Los Angeles Dodgers asked Mark McGwire to coach them. He agreed. Coaching this team will not disturb this person to spend sufficient time with his wife and kids because he needs only an hour in order to drive from his home to the Dodgers Stadium.
The American baseball player and coach spoiled his reputation because he had administered anabolic steroids. After the American baseball player and coach was found guilty of doping he didn’t desire to say anything about these preparations. However journalists asked him about application of steroids by him and other baseball players, Mark McGwire refused to answer these questions. He said that statements about administration of steroids by other sportspersons could jeopardize his family and friends.  
Ultimately the American athlete and coach admitted to applying banned medicines. He noted that he made a serious mistake, applying these medicines. The American baseball player and coach acknowledged that he didn’t act correctly. The American sportsman and coach apologized for violation of anti-doping rules. Then this athlete and coach was allowed to return to professional baseball. So, he began to restore his reputation which was spoiled on account of the mistake linked with application of banned remedies.

Illegal sale of steroids by sports nutrition stores’ clerks

Sports nutrition shops offer for sale not only true nutrition supplements. They market steroidal substances as nutrition supplements and offer them for sale. But authorities try to control and avoid distribution of steroids as if they were true supplements. That’s why clerks of sports nutrition stores sell steroids illegally. Those who come to such stores are often informed that they may purchase steroids too.
 But these conditions are known not only by steroid users but also by police officers. So, law enforcements conduct undercover investigations in order to bust sports nutrition shops that sell steroids. Clerks should comprehend that if a client wants to obtain steroids, arranging a deal outside the shop, he must be an undercover officer. That’s why those who are involved in illegal actions linked with sale of steroids should be very cautious to avoid legal problems. Although they know about these aspects, they make common mistakes that result in arrests, charges and imprisonment.
Let take as an example a clerk of the General Nutrition Centers (GNC) store located in East Walpole (Massachusetts). George Touma sold steroids along with dietary supplements. When law enforcement officers were informed about illicit actions of this person, they started an investigation. The investigation lasted circa a month and was led by The Walpole Police Department.
An undercover agent came to the store frequently and bought nutrition supplements. He was speaking with the clerk very frequently. Thus, a friendly relation was established. Finally they discussed about anabolic steroids. The undercover agent said that he would like to purchase steroids. So, he agreed to get 2 vials of steroids from George Touma. The agent had to give $300 for the products. The deal was arranged outside the store. After the purchase had taken place police officers detained George Touma.
As a result, George Touma was accused of illicit possession and distribution of anabolic steroids.

вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Top tennis players: anti-doping programs are not suitable

Essential changes occurred in certain types of sports after the USADA released its report on the celebrated cyclist Lance Armstrong. The legendary American cyclist was taking steroids and other related drugs throughout the whole athletic career but he never tested positive for any banned preparation. He utilized some efficient methods to avoid detection. Nevertheless, finally he turned out to be guilty of doping.
Lance Armstrong’s doping case has displayed that anti-doping programs failed. Thus, they should be altered. Otherwise, competitions will not be fair. We’ll never see real sports heroes.
These aspects influenced not only on cycling but also on other sports. Several sports organizations stated that anti-doping policies should be modified in order to catch those that apply anabolic steroids and/or other related drugs.
Not only anti-doping officers but also sportspeople believe that anti-doping programs must be changed. Certain athletes want to assure that their sport is clean. For example, some tennis players believe that more drug testing should take place in tennis. It is necessary to note that such tennis stars, as Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Andy Murray, think that anti-doping policy is not quite proper in tennis. They claim that more drug testing is required in order to assure that tennis is free of doping.
Novak Djokovic affirmed that he would submit to more drug testing in order to promote cleaning tennis of dopers.
The World №2 tennis player Roger Federer also said that more tests for forbidden medicines should be conducted in tennis. He mentioned that earlier he was subjected to more tests. Then the number of tests became lower in tennis.
When it comes to the tennis player Andy Muray, he stated that more out-of-competition testing should take place. While tennis players are always subjected to drug testing during competitions, they are not tested enough while being not in competitions.

Patrick Jonker: anti-doping agencies should choose more suitable ways to fight against doping

The USADA has released a report on the American cyclist Lance Armstrong.
Which impression do readers get, when they study this dossier? It is affirmed that many individuals believe that every teammate of this famous cyclist has administered anabolic steroids and/or other forbidden medicines. But is it true point of view? Has every Lance Armstrong’s teammate doped?
According to the report on this sportsperson, 11 teammates testified against him, claiming that he administered doping products. Furthermore, it was said that Lance Armstrong and the most mates of his team applied sophisticated ways in order to be capable to dope and avoid detection.
However several Lance Armstrong’s teammates admitted to taking steroids and/or other related medicines, several teammates denied doping. For example, Julian Dean and Patrick Jonker were two teammates of the well-known cyclist that denied applying performance-enhancing drugs.
Julian Dean claimed that he neither doped, nor saw Lance Armstrong using anabolic steroids and/or other related preparations.
As for Patrick Jonker, his affirmations were like those of Julian Dean. He claimed that he had never applied any banned products. He said that he competed cleanly and didn’t take any unfair advantage.
According to Patrick Jonker, usage of steroids and other related products is a serious problem in the sport of cycling. He believes that a lot of cyclists dope. He believes that it is important to fight against usage of steroids and other related preparations in cycling. But he confirms that proper methods should be utilized by anti-doping agencies. This athlete is full of indignation, saying about prosecution against Lance Armstrong.  Patrick Jonker believes that killers are less prosecuted than the celebrated cyclist.

пятница, 23 ноября 2012 г.

Doping is not problem in tennis

Andy Murray, a Scottish tennis player, notes that tennis is not tainted by intake of anabolic steroids and other related products. He confirms that application of performance-enhancing drugs doesn’t represent any problem in this sport. He confirms that tennis is relatively clean. If you compare this sport to others, you can be convinced that it is free from doping, according to Andy Murray. But the tennis player realizes that this sport is not entirely clean. This man acknowledges that some tennis players use banned substances too.
If you take cycling as an example, you may see that it is linked to allegations regarding doping by the well-known cyclist Lance Armstrong. Cycling commentators and journalists put efforts to display that doping reigns in other sports too. So, they try to direct attentions of people from cycling to others sports. They state that administration of steroids and other related medicines is a problem not just in cycling. Tennis turned out to be criticized by them quite frequently.
Andy Murray decided to respond to such critic words. He affirms that steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs don’t have any significant role in tennis. He mentions about differences between tennis and cycling.
According to the tennis player, while steroids and other related medicines benefit in cycling obviously, these remedies can’t cause any essential changes in tennis players. This person considers that while strength which is needed in cycling can be enhanced by doping, the skills that are needed in tennis can’t be perfected by steroids and other related medicines.
In fact, similar arguments are used in other sports too. Baseball and basketball players also claim that steroids don’t represent any evident problem in their sports because these drugs don’t have capacity to increase performance in their sports.
But it is impossible to doubt about efficacy of steroids on performance of any athlete. Since these medications are able to add strength, speed and endurance, they play great role in tennis and other sports.

Alexander Lukashenko is able to clean Belarusian sports

Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, is also the president of the National Olympic Committee. He was very saddened after the Belarusian shot-putter Nadzeya Ostapchuk tested positive for a banned medicine. The president was very upset. Lukashenko turned out to be a serious fan of sports. He felt angry that representatives of his country destroyed Belarusian’s sports reputation by positives for banned substances. As a result, he claimed that certain changes would take place.
The president of Belarus claimed that it was needed to criminalize intake of prohibited products in sports. Thus, sports will be probably clean. This affirmation was pronounced by the Belarusian president after Nadzeya Ostapchuk was caught using methenolone. This steroid is better known as Primobolan.
The Belarusian president wants to see that his country succeeds in sports on the international scene. If the president of Belarusia wants to clean his country’s sports, he will be capable to do it. Some facts manifest that this president has achieved many goals linked with his country.
In fact, Lukashenko is a hard president. He was even accused of rights’ violation. He is able to change the situation in sports by force as well.
Alexander Lukashenko doesn’t intend to discuss about application of banned preparations in sports. There are other things that should be discussed, according to Alexander Lukashenko.
Anatoliy Tozik, the Vice-President for Alexander Lukashenko, supposed that they could form a sports scientific center that would be sponsored by the state. The center would conduct scientific studies connected with mental and pharmacological support for elite athletes. The Belarusian president agreed to establish this center.
It is unknown whether the president will clean sports at any cost. Will he abuse his force for this need?

среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.

ITF’s anti-doping program is adequate

David Howman expresses his opinion about point of view about anti-doping programs in certain sports organizations. While the director general of the WADA is happy with jobs of certain sports organizations, he claims that anti-doping programs in other leagues/teams are not suitable.
For example, the director general of the WADA praises the International Tennis Federation (ITF) for its anti-doping system. David Howman claims that anti-doping system is proper in tennis.
But as for the National Basketball Association (NBA), it doesn’t agree to adopt its anti-doping policy to that of the WADA. It refuses to add some new drug tests in order to catch those that apply steroids and/or other prohibited preparations. That’s why David Howman claims that the anti-doping program of the NBA is not good enough to detect those who dope. He confirms that the NBA should add more sophisticated new methods as well.
David Howman says that drug tests conducted in tennis have high quality. But there is a defect in tennis’ anti-doping policy. Many tests are conducted during competitions. But few tests take place out-of-competition. That’s why ITF’s anti-doping system is also criticized.
Undoubtedly, nobody can confirm that anti-doping program of ITF is perfect. It has some lacks too. But it is quite adequate.
Thus, you should not think that tennis is clean from doping totally. Several tennis players are likely to administer steroids and/or related medicines. But it is not so tainted, as some other sports.
 Only one tennis player was banned for usage of forbidden medications. Although it seems to prove that tennis is clean, it is important to take in consideration that there are some ways to avoid positives. As you probably know, the American cyclist Lance Armstrong applied steroids and other related preparations and avoided detection much time. Couldn’t tennis players act the same way?

Several companies decided to stop sponsoring Lance Armstrong’s foundation

The USADA published a report related to doping by the prominent American cyclist Lance Armstrong. According to the report, this sportsperson used steroids and other doping products. After publishing several sponsors that donated for Lance Armstrong’s foundation Livestrong decided to cut their links with this sportsperson and his foundation.
One of companies that decided to stop sponsoring the organization which fights against cancer is Nike. This company was working much time with the cyclist. Ultimately Nike affirmed that it would not have anything longer with the person that was cheating more than 10 years.
24 Hour Fitness also refused to collaborate with Lance Armstrong anymore.
Some other companies also made the decision to discontinue sponsoring Livestrong.
However, the American famous cyclist tried to do anything in order to prevent negative influence of his athletic reputation on the organization that helps persons the experience cancer to survive. He affirmed that he would not be the chairman of the organization anymore. Although the sportsperson tried to keep sponsors, he couldn’t do it.
As for the USADA, it confirmed that Lance Armstrong was found guilty of doping. As a result, the athlete received lifetime suspension. Furthermore, he forfeited all 7 titles acquired at Tour de France.
But the International Cycling Union (ICU) confirmed that the USADA made a wrong decision. However Lance Armstrong discontinued fighting against accusations pronounced by the USADA, the ICU affirmed that it would appeal the decision even without involvement of the cyclist.
However Lance Armstrong never tested positive for any forbidden drug, it was concluded that he was guilty of doping. It was affirmed that he used steroids and other forbidden medications but he utilized some simple as well sophisticated ways in order to prevent positives. So, he was capable to dope and remain undetectable.
Now the athlete pays for his doping. The decision of certain companies to discontinue sponsoring his organization is a great loss for this person.

воскресенье, 18 ноября 2012 г.

Drug testing in NBA

The director general of the WADA David Howman affirms that the National Basketball Association (NBA) anti-doping program is not good enough to detect those who apply banned substances. He confirms that steroid testing conducted in the NBA is not appropriate. While the NFL and the MLB agreed to accept additional tests, the NBA refused to do the same things.
Derrick Rose, a former basketball player, also noticed that numerous NBA players administered steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. This sport is tainted, according to the former basketball player. It is believed that David Howman’s point of view related to application of steroids in the NBA is resulted from words pronounced by the former basketball player.
The NBA doesn’t want to adopt its anti-doping program to that of the WADA. The NBA officers note that steroids and other related medications don’t have capacity to influence on games and make them unfair. They affirm that just natural skills and workouts play role in the NBA. According to NBA officers, steroids and other doping products are not capable to enhance performance of basketball players. They consider that performance-enhancing drugs don’t benefit this sport.
Do NBA officers have a right opinion? Aren’t steroids and other related preparations able to enhance performance of those that play basketball? What do facts show? What do scientific journals note about effects of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs?
In fact, everyone knows that steroids and certain other medications benefit in any sport. They just should be applied appropriately and accompanied by suitable meal and trainings. These products play significant role in sports. It is impossible to contest efficacy of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in basketball. Statements of NBA officers are wrong.
Of course, any sport organization likes to think that their sport is clean. Nonetheless, it is needed to see the reality. That’s why the director general of the WADA affirms that it is necessary to conduct more and more sophisticated drug testing in order to catch those that apply banned remedies.

Philadelphia police officer was leader of illegal drug trade

Illicit sale of steroids is widespread. Although authorities put efforts to eradicate illicit production, distribution, possession and usage of steroids, certain policemen are also involved in such illegal deals. Moreover, as it is determined, some police officers mastermind illicit operations related to steroids and other related drugs.
The former Philadelphia policeman Keith Gidelson pleaded guilty of illegal distribution of steroids and certain other medicines, such as HGH, IGF-1, anti-estrogen preparations, etc. The preparations that were offered for sale by this policeman were marketed as Sciroxx preparations.
Keith Gidelson turned out to be the leader of a drug ring. Thus, he was not distributing anabolic steroids alone. He was collaborating with certain other individuals, including his wife and two other police officers.
Those that desired to buy anabolic steroids contacted the Philadelphia police officer via internet. So, clients ordered needed anabolic steroids or/and other performance-enhancing drugs. Then these products were shipped to the clients.
When shipments arrived, the police officer informed his clients per handy. He called them or wrote messages. That’s why it was easy to bust this illicit drug chain. Keith Gidelson talked to his clients about anabolic steroids and other related drugs quite openly. As for his co-workers, they discussed about steroids among them, using several terms.
Such steroids, as Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Nandrolone Decanoate, etc. were sold by Keith Gidelson and his co-conspirators. These medications were obtained from China and Europe. Then they were sold to those that ordered them via internet.  
The police officer will be probably sentenced to imprisonment in January 2013.

вторник, 13 ноября 2012 г.

Exceeding speed while possessing steroids

Some bodybuilders are caught possessing anabolic steroids and other illegal medications because they make certain mistakes while possessing these preparations. For example, a bodybuilder intends to apply doping products. He finds a safe online pharmacy and places an order for some medications. Then he pays for these preparations. The preparations are shipped. The bodybuilder goes to a post office and takes the package which contains the preparations which have been ordered by him. It seems to him that everything is successful. The package has not been intercepted. The preparations have not been seized. This person takes the preparations and drives home.
Undoubtedly, the bodybuilder can’t wait until he arrives home to start his cycle with these drugs. He wants to be at home, take the medicines and look in the mirror and see desired results. Thinking about possible effects and improvement of appearance, this bodybuilder violates traffic rules. He exceeds speed because he wants to be at home sooner. Moreover, this man has another problem. He has a suspended driver’s license. Since policemen see that this man has violated any traffic rule, they stop him. The police officers learn that this man has a suspended driver’s license. They decide to search the vehicle. So, they find that this person possesses steroids and other doping products. This man gets legitimate problems. His dreams don’t become real. He gets troubles instead of desired results.
 Let take Michael Vazquez of Kenmore (New York) as an example. This man had a suspended driver’s license while violating traffic laws and possessing steroids. Thus, he got legitimate problems. Since he violated certain traffic laws, he was stopped by policemen that saw that he had a suspended driver’s license. When they searched this person’s vehicle, they found that this person possessed steroids, needles and syringes.
Thus, if you possess steroids and/or other related preparations while driving your car, don’t make such mistakes! Avoid violating traffic laws! Avoid driving with a suspended driver’s license! So, you can avoid legitimate problems.

Indian police officers raid pharmacies and supplement stores regularly

Distribution and usage of steroids without a physician’s prescription are claimed to be illegal in India. But illegal distribution and usage of steroids and other related medicines prosper in this country. Numerous sportspeople buy these medicines at drug stores and supplement stores and apply them in order to increase muscles and performance.
When Indian National Team’s athletes tested positive for prohibited drugs at the 2012 London Olympics, attention of authorities was drawn to drug stores and supplement stores. Local police officers decided to raid pharmacies and supplement stores regularly in order to control illicit sale of anabolic steroids and other related products. After some raids several drug stores and supplement stores lost their business licenses.
Lately police officers searched a drug store and two supplement stores located in the southern part of India.
The Parola Pharmacy located in Valancherry was searched by police officers. As it was determined, steroids and other related preparations were sold at this drug store illegally. Nandrolone phenylpropionate was one of steroids which were found by police officers. Certain other steroids were sold illicitly too. So, this drug store was shut down.
The Health World supplement store located in Kottakkal was also recently raided. Police officers defined that Methandienone, Equipose, Testosterone Undecanoate and some other steroids were offered for sale at this supplement store. Thus, it was shut down as well.
Another supplement store which was raided was the AM Nutrition store. But it was not prosecuted because no any steroids were sold at the store.
Law enforcement officers plan to continue raids. Certain drug stores and supplement stores will probably lose their licenses for illicit sale of steroids and other related drugs.

понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

Does Tommy John surgery increase performance?

High school athletes do a lot in order to enhance their muscles and improve performance. While certain sportspersons try to increase speed, baseball players try to increase throwing speed.
What do high school athletes actually do for this purpose? As you know, numerous sportspeople take anabolic steroids in order to get muscles and enhance performance. But administration of steroids and other related preparations is not the only method which seems to be effective for certain athletic purposes. Several high school athletes want to have the operation ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction which is also known as Tommy John surgery.
In fact, high school athletes don’t know about certain aspects linked with Tommy John surgery. They base their conceptions on the case related to the baseball player Tommy John who got UCL damage during a baseball game. After the damage the baseball player was too disappointed. He thought that didn’t have any chance longer to play baseball professionally. This person consulted the surgeon Frank Jobe. The physician operated this baseball player successfully. After the surgery Tommy John returned to baseball. His further career was very successful. Tommy John won many games. Thus, this surgery was called after this baseball player: Tommy John surgery.
When high school athletes learn about Tommy John, they want to become as good players, as he was. They suppose that the surgery induced winning because this person won more games after the operation than before. Although high school athletes may suggest correctly, they have certain wrong conceptions about this surgery. They believe that they may be operated in absence of any damage and enhance their performance. But high school athletes don’t take in consideration that nobody can come back to playing baseball soon after such operation. Certain period of time is required to receive recovery. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that some risks connected with Tommy John surgery. They may get permanently stiff elbow. Certain other dangers are also connected with this operation.
Thus, high school athletes don’t comprehend the essence of this operation correctly. When they have elbow pains, they visit their doctors, trying to convince them they need to be subjected to Tommy John surgery.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother feared that he daughter wouldn’t get pregnant because her husband used steroids

Maria Shriver didn’t become pregnant during the first three years of her marriage to the celebrated American bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. Her mother was troubled by the situation. Since the bodybuilder used steroids, she feared that he could get infertility. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother-in-law presented a scientific report about steroids to her daughter. The report described probable undesirable results of steroids, including infertility.
Arnold Schwarzenegger confirmed that he found this report on the desk of his wife occasionally. Thus, he read it. The bodybuilder laughed much. The bodybuilder confirmed that his mother-in-law was out of control.
But Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother-in-law was in troubled without any reason. Her daughter and the bodybuilder became parents of four kids. Furthermore, Arnold Schwarzenegger got a kid as a result of his extra-marital relations. Thus, it was obvious that steroids didn’t have any negative impact on reproductive system of this man.
Do steroids cause infertility in male users? These products suppress natural production of the hormone testosterone. That’s why men who use these remedies may have infertility. But it is necessary to understand that this side result is not irreversible. When men stop using steroids, their natural secretion of testosterone is restored. Thus, this side effect disappears.  
The autobiography published by Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals numerous interesting aspects connected with steroids. This famous bodybuilder took steroids during his competitive career. Anabolic steroids promoted winning. Administration of these drugs was not forbidden in professional bodybuilding, when Arnold Schwarzenegger competed.

вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

War on usage of steroids for athletic purposes

Timothy Armstrong of the World Health Organization confirms that anabolic steroids are dangerous for public health. While these preparations are widely taken by athletes, bodybuilders and ordinary persons for increase of muscle mass and strength, they may have negative influence on physical and psychological health of users. Unluckily, dangers linked with these medicines are not taken seriously. Although many scientists warn that these products may cause serious unwanted results, many individuals continue to take them for performance-enhancing effects.
Timothy Armstrong puts efforts to protect public health. He has presented a speech about intake of steroids at a conference organized by the chairman of the International Olympic Committee Arne Ljungqvist. So, Timothy Armstrong helps to eliminate illegal administration of steroids.
When it comes to Arne Ljungqvist, he put efforts in order to fight against administration of steroids in sports. According to the chairman of the International Olympic Committee, usage of steroids represents a moral problem. Those who apply performance-enhancing don’t compete fairly. They take unfair advantage over those that don’t take these drugs. Thus, they act inappropriately.
Undoubtedly, Arne Ljungqvist is happy that Timothy Armstrong is also against usage of steroids. He affirms that anti-doping agencies should work with the World Health Organization more closely. The united efforts will be able to eradicate usage of doping products from professional sports.
Timothy Armstrong affirms that anti-doping agencies should have direct links with law enforcements and customs officers. If they work together, their war on illicit deals linked with steroids and other controlled substances will be more efficacious. They should inform each other about persons that have something to do with illicit medications. So, they can reach their goals.

Defense attorney: steroids caused “roid rage” that led to murder

Audrey Allen, an 18-month old child, was murdered by Joshua Allen Kruzik.
The little girl was killed because she cried in the middle of the night. Joshua Allen Kruzik, an US marine, a friend of Audrey Allen’s parents, decided to spend weekends at their friends’ home. Before he came to their home, he was at a local bar where he drank much alcohol. He had to care about the little girl, when she cried. But Joshua Allen Kruzik beat her too cruelly. As a result, the baby got a lot of grave head injuries. The baby died at a local hospital.
David Kohn, the defense attorney for Joshua Allen Kruzik, affirmed that steroids were responsible for the abnormal behavior of his client. It was confirmed that Joshua Allen Kruzik used anabolic steroids. Before the incident he tried to discontinue using these preparations but he couldn’t do it. The defense attorney claimed that anabolic steroids produced “roid rage” in Joshua Allen Kruzik. He couldn’t not control himself and beat the little child. According to David Kohn, Kruzik was unconscious. Although he claimed that Kruzik was ready to assume the whole responsibility, he added that he was not guilty.
The little child’s parents also testified that the murderer used anabolic steroids. The mother of the baby affirmed that she had syringes at her home. Thus, she injected Kruzik with steroids, when he came. Certain other individuals also affirmed that he administered steroids.
It is strange that anabolic steroids are demonized in this case. Are these medicines responsible for the crime? Don’t forget that Kruzen has been drunk, when he has murdered the baby!
It is unclear whether this defense strategy will work.

воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.

It is necessary to train hardly and eat properly during application of steroids

However natural bodybuilders try to prove that they can be as muscular as consumers of steroids, they fail to do it. Even those who have correct nutrition and hard trainings can’t obtain the same muscle mass and strength like consumers of steroids. Gains that can be obtained because of correct application of steroids and other related products are much more obvious than those which are acquired through natural ways.
But you should know that steroids and other doping products can’t enhance muscle mass and energy, if users don’t have hard workouts and proper nutrition. Although steroids can induce getting muscles and strength, it is not sufficient only to take these preparations. Steroid users must not be lazy individuals. Otherwise, they will fail to acquire desired results. If steroid users don’t train hardly during usage of performance-enhancing drugs, they may get additional problems instead of benefits.
Those that are going to apply steroids in order to get muscles and increase strength should plan their workouts and diets. It is important to train intensively. However, it is necessary to remember that muscles don’t grow, if they don’t have any rest. That’s why it is necessary to have well-planned workouts. Workouts and time of rest should be rotated suitably.
Moreover, it is required to plan which kinds of exercises should be performed. Your heart should work properly, if you want to increase your muscles with steroids. That’s why cardio exercises should take place 3-4 hours per week.
Another factor that should be taken in consideration is nutrition. Muscles can be enhanced, if sufficient protein is consumed. Steroids and other related medicines can’t enhance muscles and add energy without usual physiological processes. Keep in mind that steroids don’t act magically! They act through stimulation of natural processes which occur in the body.
If you want to increase your muscle mass and endurance with steroids, you should learn and follow certain guidelines connected with nutrition that are useful for this purpose.

However Arnold Schwarzenegger took steroids, he never apologized

Arnold Schwarzenegger administered anabolic steroids. These medications helped him to have success. The bodybuilder admitted that he succeeded because of these remedies essentially. But he also noted that other competitive bodybuilders administered these drugs as well. He was aware of the fact that all top athletes and bodybuilders took anabolic steroids. If Arnold Schwarzenegger had not administered doping products, other bodybuilders would have had unfair advantage over him.
Although the well-known bodybuilder admitted to usage of steroids, he never apologized. Intake of these preparations was not banned, when Arnold Schwarzenegger competed. Intake of steroids and other related products didn’t represent any problem in bodybuilding during that time.
Arnold Schwarzenegger mentioned that he didn’t know about risks connected with usage of these medications. But he also added that earlier bodybuilders didn’t take enhanced measures like current bodybuilders.  That’s why it was not dangerous to apply these medications.
Today it is necessary to consider that athletes and bodybuilders use very high doses that may have negative impact on health. Intake of high doses usually causes dangerous permanent negative reactions. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger is against usage of steroids for athletic purposes. Doses which were applied by the famous bodybuilder were lower by 20 times than those taken by current bodybuilders. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger cooperated with International Federation of Bodybuilders against application of doping products in professional bodybuilding.

четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Non-therapeutic administration of HGH may result in numerous health problems

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been initially developed for medical needs. This medicine is indicated to cure kids with growth disorders and adults that suffer from deficiency of growth hormone and associated troubles. But this preparation is frequently abused. Many weightlifters and other sportspersons apply this drug for athletic needs. Under laws of certain countries, including the USA, purchase and usage of this drug for non-therapeutic needs are claimed to be illegal.
However this medication is illegal without any prescription, it is not difficult to get it. This medicine is widely available at online drug stored. Moreover, steroid dealers sell this drug. Since the price is not increased, numerous athletes have possibility to purchase it.
Those that take HGH illegally abuse also other preparations. They are not limited only by illegal administration of this product. Which medicines are also applied by consumers of HGH?
Several specialists decided to conduct a study linked with illicit usage of HGH. They enrolled 230 weightlifters aged 18-40 into the study. The specialists could determine that the most of these weightlifters administered not only HGH but also anabolic-androgenic steroids and insulin-like growth factor-1. Moreover, many of them took recreational drugs, such as cocaine, ecstasy, etc.
Which dangers are faced by those who take increased doses of HGH prolonged period of time? Unluckily, adverse reactions resulted from increased doses of this medication are not studied sufficiently because health care providers usually don’t prescribe increased quantities.  Enhanced measures are commonly administered by those that apply this drug for performance-enhancing effects. But it is known that usage of increased dosages during prolonged period of time may result in severe negative effects. This drug may negatively influence on various systems, including endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, etc. It is important to be very careful because high dosages of this medication are associated even with cancer.

Corticosteroids and severity of bleeding events after tonsillectomies

More and more kids are subjected to tonsillectomies. The number of surgeries in kids younger than 15 years old has enhanced substantially.
After tonsillectomy or adenotonsillectomy kids may suffer from vomiting and nausea. Thus, physicians recommend taking corticosteroids during surgeries in order to lower these post-operation side consequences.
Unfortunately, while corticosteroids reduce risks/severity connected with nausea and vomiting, they are associated with some other troubles. They may produce bleeding during and after tonsillectomies. Late researches have showed that the number of complications after tonsillectomies has enhanced during several last years. Since number of tonsillectomies becomes higher, complications appear more frequently too.
Certain specialists decided to define whether bleeding occurs after tonsillectomies on account of corticosteroids. They tried to find out whether there is any substantial difference in occurring of bleeding between children who administer the corticosteroid dexamethasone during tonsillectomies and those that are not given this drug. Thus, the specialists enrolled more than 300 children in the trial.
Results of the study have demonstrated that bleeding of the levels I and II are enhanced by 5% in those that take a single quantity of dexamethasone during tonsillectomy.
Thus, corticosteroids don’t enhance the risk related to post-operation bleeding essentially. However prescribers doubt about safety of corticosteroids applied during tonsillectomies, they don’t enhance grave bleeding events significantly.