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среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

Andy Pettitte probably misunderstood Roger Clemens

The desire of the federal government linked with the case of Roger Clemens was following: they hoped to prove that this person had lied before the Congress about administration of anabolic steroids and HGH. But the government was not able to reach this goal. It was expected that Andy Pettitte would confirm that Roger Clemens had acknowledged that he had used the forbidden preparations during a conversation in 1999 or in 2000. But the statement of Andy Pettitte was shocking for prosecutors. He stated that he couldn’t confirm that Roger Clemens had used steroids and HGH because he was not sure.
Actually, why were the prosecutors shocked by the affirmation of Andy Pettittte? This man swore for the 2008 Congressional hearings on administration of steroids in the Major League Baseball that Roger Clemens acknowledged that he had used HGH. But he presented opposite statements at the Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington.
Michael Attanasio, a defense attorney for Roger Clemens, asked Andy Pettitte whether he can claim that he is 50-50 that he has misunderstood Roger Clemens about HGH. Pettitte answered that he is indeed 50-50 about this factor.
When the prosecutors heard the answer of Andy Pettitte, they became confused. They affirmed that Andy Pettitte never answered this way, when he was asked several times.
The U. S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton noted that he understood that Andy Pettitte’s answer has been conflicted. In fact, his statement was following: “I don’t know”.
The attorneys for Roger Clemens used the moment of the prosecutors’ confusion. They requested the judge to ignore Andy Pettitte’s testimony because he was 50-50. The attorneys claimed that he probably misunderstood Roger Clemens or he can’t remember the details of the conversation.  
The government has noticed that the jury still allows taking in consideration the affirmation of Andy Pettitte. ASUSA Dunham has confirmed that under federal laws jury is allowed to choose which testimony to believe. This person hopes that the jury will ignore the testimony which doesn’t support the government.
So, the testimony provided by Andy Pettitte and his wife led to problems. Testimonies of Andy’s wife during the first trial led to the declaration of a mistrial by the judge Walton.
Pettitte confirms that he is a friend of Roger Clemens. Clemens must also claim that they are friends after the last testimony of Andy Pettitte.

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