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воскресенье, 29 апреля 2012 г.

While sports organizations of the USA have supported Gatlin’s return to professional sports, the BOA has decided to prevent participation of Dwain Chambers in the Olympics

2 sprinters that have served suspensions want to manifest that they can compete successfully without usage of steroids. They want to take part in the 2012 London Olympics. Justin Gatlin, an American sprinter, and Dwain Chambers, a British sprinter, desire to display that they can win, competing clean.
They have already demonstrated that they are worthy to be called “Olympic champions”. While Justin Gatlin has won the gold medal, Dwain Chambers has received the bronze medal in the 60 meter sprint a1t the 2012 World Indoor Athletics Championship in Turkey.
The USA Track and Field and the US Olympic Committee invited Justin Gatlin to professional sports. These 2 organizations noticed about their attitude to this sprinter, supporting him.
As for Dwain Chambers, it is unclear yet whether he will be permitted to take part in the Olympics. This runner wasn’t so supported, as Justin Gatlin was. Chambers received cold response from the British Olympic Association (BOA). This athlete’s comeback to sports prompted the decision of the BOA to suspend athletes that have been caught using steroids from the Olympics forever.
The World Anti-Doping Agency has warned the BOA that this rule violated the WADA laws linked with forbidden products. The BOA decided to fight against WADA and to prevent participation of Dwain Chambers for the United Kingdom in the Olympics. The BOA has taken the case to the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS).
Thus, while Gatlin was supported by the US Olympic Committee, Chambers’ case was not pleasant.
Justin Gatlin has never admitted that he had used steroids knowingly. But Chambers took the full responsibility for intake of steroids.
Gatlin tested positive for testosterone in April 2006. This athlete’s world record was annulled after the results of testing had been pronounced. At the beginning this sprinter was banned for eight years. Later his ban was reduced to 4 years because of cooperation with the USADA.
Gatlin didn’t acknowledge that he had utilized steroids intentionally. He blamed his masseuse for application of a testosterone cream during a massage.
On the contrary, Dwain Chambers admitted that he had administered steroids and taken the whole responsibility for the violation of steroid rules. He was banned for 2 years. This runner lost all medals he won since 2002.
Different attitudes to these runners have demonstrated the difference between perceptions of athletes who have used steroids by anti-doping officials in the USA and in the UK.

Alex Rodriquez and Brian Bosworth belong to the most scorned sports figures of Seattle

A list of the most detested Seattle’s sportspersons was written by the Seattle post-intelligencer newspaper. Taking in consideration attitude to administration of steroids, it is surprisingly that just two consumers of steroids  made the list. Intake of steroids by these 2 sportspersons was not the reason to include them in the list of the most unloved athletes of Seattle. Nevertheless, it must have influenced.
These two persons from the list were “The Boz” Bosworth and Alex “A-Rod” Rodriquez.
It became clear that Bosworth was a user of steroids after Nandrolone metabolites had been found in his urine sample in 1986. Brian Bosworth was one of the other 20 football players that were caught administering forbidden products in 1986. It resulted in Bosworth’s ban to play for Oklahoma Sooners in 1987.
Bosworth confirmed that he had used Deca Durabolin that had been recommended by his health care provider in order to receive recovery from an injury. This football player confirmed that it was the first time that he used steroids.
Bosworth obtained the 1985 and 1986 Butkus Award.
Brian Bosworth came in connection with Seattle, when he got the Seahawks a 10-year contract. But his career was ended because of an injury. He retired from playing football professionally in 1989 after he had played 24 games for this team. His case was claimed to be one of the most essential busts in NFL history.
Another athlete that was named in the list of the most unloved Seattle’s athletes was Alex Rodriquez. He got the nickname “A-Rod”. The nickname was given by a Seattle Mariners’ player. Alex Rodriquez had a significant success in Seattle. Alex Rodriquez came to the Seattle Mariners right after High School at the age of 17. Everybody was amazed by his skills. He played for the Calgary Cannons and the Tacoma Rainiers. Alex Rodriquez continued to succeed but he left Seattle due to desire to earn more money. It made him the most unloved Seattle’s sportsperson. He signed a contract with the Texas Rangers in 2000. It was the most profitable contract that had ever been got in sports history.
The news that was pronounced in February 2009 shocked everyone.  It was reported that Alex Rodriquez tested positive for such anabolic steroids, as Testosterone and Primobolan during a testing in the MLB.
The writer Roberts affirmed in her book about Alex Rodriquez that he had used steroids in high school in order to bulk up.
Alex Rodriquez admitted that he had taken anabolic steroids but he noted that he had taken them only from 2001 to 2003.
Actually, there were several other reasons that led to the fact that Alex Rodriquez and Brian Bosworth made the list of the most detested athletes of Seattle. But their links with steroids gave possibility to blame these persons again.

вторник, 24 апреля 2012 г.

The Guelph Police Department arrested a drug dealer from Canada

A person from Canada was busted after he tried to sell steroids to a man that turned out to be an undercover police officer. The police official responded to online advertisements of this drug dealer. He was a person of 21 years old who made a decision to post advertisements about steroids on internet in order to promote selling these illegal drugs. The drug dealer thought that it was the easiest and the most efficacious method to promote sales.
The Guelph Police Department responded to the advertisements with the help of email on in an undercover way. It was scheduled a direct purchase in the parking lot of a local gym. As a result, the man was arrested. 4 different anabolic steroids at worth of circa 650 dollars were seized. This distributor of steroids faced some counts connected with possession and intentions to sell illicit substances.
Kijiji belongs to the online auction eBay. Although Kijiji isn’t very popular in the USA, it is quite popular in several other countries, including Canada. has used marketplace for illegal sales of steroids during certain years. The Drug Enforcement Administration supplied eBay with a list of Scheduled III controlled substances that needed to be applied as a filter in order to avoid hosting advertisements connected with illegal medications. Certain distributors of steroids could bypass the filters, presenting these preparations as “steroid books” or “steroid DVDs”.  
However Kijiji is subsidiary to Ebay, it doesn’t have any filter to prevent inducing sales of illegal preparations. It posts advertisements linked with steroids and promotes selling products of such underground labs based in Canada, as Lufsen, Lifesci, Mesodyne and Olympic Labs.

Testosterone Cypionate side effects… What is necessary to understand?
Some Testosterone Cypionate side effects  threaten to health of consumers. Such unwanted results include grave allergic reactions, abnormal development of breast tissues, breast pain, breathing difficulties, abnormal changes in mood, hypertrophy of testicles, prolonged erections, abnormal sweating, yellowing of skin, urine of dark color, etc. As for female users, they can be troubled by the grave undesirable reactions that are linked with masculinization in them. Young males can have such severe Testosterone Cypionate side effects, as inappropriate bone age, enhancement of libido, enlargement of penis, increased erections, etc.  You should consult your physician, in case you have life-threatening undesirable responses.

Everyone is against Jose Canseco

The former professional baseball player Jose Canseco turned out to be one of the most scorned individuals in steroid era of baseball. He was pushed out professional baseball after he had identified several celebrated baseball players as users of steroids in the book “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big”.
Everyone is against Jose Canseco. It is claimed that if any person supported him, it would be Steven Kettman. This person has been a co-author of the book of Canseco “Juiced”. But Kettman didn’t support the former baseball player. Furthermore, he was on the opposite side. Being a guest of the Huffington Post, Steven Kettman pronounced certain ridiculous words about Canseco’s recent incident connected with anabolic steroids.
Jose Canseco tries to come back to playing baseball professionally. He has been invited to play for the “Tigres de Quintana Roo” of Cancun. This team is a part of the Mexican Baseball League. Playing for the “Tigres de Quintana Roo” would be the following stop of Canseco in direction to the MLB.  
But his return to professional baseball has become unsuccessful due to application of Testosterone Cypionate and Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)  for testosterone replacement therapy. A lot of pieces of news confirm that Jose Canseco has tested positive for steroids and has been suspended for application of steroids. But it is not true. Jose Canseco has noted that he has only needed to provide several documents that have supported his medical need to be on TRT in order to be in Mexican Baseball League.
Steven Kettman doesn’t believe that the story about TRT is true. He says that Jose Canseco must stop humiliating himself. This writer notices that Jose Canseco should stop acting so, as if he were a cartoon character.
Kettman didn’t make any distinction between clinical Canseco’s need to take steroids for TRT and those that administer prohibited substances for athletic purposes.   Steven Kettman notes that Jose Canseco continues to use forbidden products in order to promote enhancing performance.
Kettman has tried to disparage certain myths related to steroids in the book “Juiced”. The book defends steroid use for therapeutic needs and induces usage of these products for hormone replacement therapy in elder individuals.
It is stated that the most controversial words of the book are those where authors identify names of Mark McGwire, Juan Gonzalez, Rafael Palmeiro, Ivan Rodriguez, and Jason Giambi, noticing that these players of professional baseball take unfair advantages due to intake of steroids.
Not only Kettman has distanced himself from the book “Juiced”. Canseco has also claimed that he has nightmares about steroids since writing the book and that he regrets that he has named these baseball players. Jose Canseco asked some of them for apologizing.
ESPN sportswriters criticize the former professional baseball player for desire to distance himself from the own book.

понедельник, 23 апреля 2012 г.

West Chest Police Officer said that addiction to steroids had led him to addiction

David Busemeyer, a former police officer of the West Chest Police Department, put efforts to convince a judge that his addiction to anabolic steroids had led to his corruption. But the former cop couldn’t convince the judge. As a result, David Busemeyer received a half of a year in prison. The former police officer was pleaded guilty to leaking confidential information of the Police Department that began an investigation connected with a distributor of steroids.
Busemeyer claimed in the court that he had been furious and upset because of his addiction to steroids.
Richard Skelton, the defense attorney for the former police officer, tried to convince the judge that his client had to be cured from his addiction. He attempted to manifest that it would be the best sentence for this officer’s crime.
According to certain court documents, Busemeyer used steroids for 4 years. Furthermore, the former police official applied 10-15 pain pills under prescriptions to relieve pains provoked by steroids.  
But the judge rejected such excuse. It seemed at the beginning that he intended to hand down even heavier sentence but then he gave a lighter sentence because he had to be conducted by sentencing guidelines.
The judge Spaeth claimed that David Busemeyer had put in danger own safety and safety of other police officers. He imperiled reputation of the whole police department.
 It became evident that David Busemeyer had extra-marital relationship with the sister of the distributor of steroids who was investigated by the West Chest Police Department. Busemeyer told his girlfriend and his brother that an investigation to bust the distributor of steroids began to be conducted.
Although David Busemeyer didn’t say the name of the informant, he presented enough information to understand who the informant was.
Police officers raided the house of Busemeyer and found steroids and evidence of his usage of steroids.
It was decided not to chase the former police officer for possession of steroids and fake prescriptions for usage of these products.

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Offers of Naposim are pharmaceutical companies that manufacture this remedy as well as just suppliers that buy it from these companies and sell it. This preparation is produced by numerous pharmaceutical companies around the world. It is available under various other names. Such companies, as Terapia (Romania), La Pharma, Atlantis Miracles BioTech, British Dispensary, Macianocorperative are only some of numerous companies that sell this product. Some offers of Naposim present possibilities to purchase this medication, using discount cards. They also present information related to this drug. So, you can order this medication online.

Jose Canseco refused to provide a urine sample for steroid testing in Mexican Baseball League

Jose Canseco, a former player of the Major League Baseball, didn’t agree to submit to a urine analysis for steroids, when he tried to return to the Mexican Baseball League. It was earlier reported that the “Tigres de Quintana” of Cancun provided him the 2nd  chance and invited him to play.
Jose Canseco didn’t agree to submit to tests for steroids that had to be conducted by officers of the Mexico’s National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport (CONADE). CONADE is government agency that manages Olympic sports in Mexico.
Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Meza, the chief executive officer of this baseball team, proclaimed that Jose Canseco would not be permitted to play for the team because he had admitted that he administered forbidden medicines.
Jose Canseco acknowledged that he was on testosterone replacement therapy under supervision of a physician in the US. He mentioned that he was on TRT since 2008. Jose Canseco was not surprised by the requirement to submit to steroid testing. This person wrote on his Twitter account last month that the Minor League Baseball would perform testing for forbidden products.
It is known that  an athlete can utilize steroids for TRT and take part in competitions, if he/she has got a therapeutic use exemption (TUE). A TUE allows administration of banned drugs, if it is justified by medical needs.
It is obvious that Jose Canseco has prescription from his doctor that supports his condition which requires receiving TRT. But Jose Canseco doesn’t have any TUE for usage of testosterone.
Canseco has openly admitted that he had a prescription from his physician to use testosterone as a part of testosterone replacement therapy. He noticed about  this condition in a documentary in 2008. Jose Canseco noticed that he discontinued applying illegal steroids and had hypogonadism which was caused by steroids. Then his doctor prescribed him applying a testosterone gel to be relieved from unwanted effects of steroids.
As you see, Jose Canseco’s usage of steroids is justified because he has medical need for application. But since he hasn’t got a TUE, it is unclear whether he would join the team that has steroid testing.
The CEO of “Tigres de Quintana” affirmed that he had known that Jose Canseco was receieving TRT but he invited him to play, just obtaining a TUE.

среда, 18 апреля 2012 г.

Josh Barnett could convince the CSAC that he believed that steroids were bad

The former American mixed martial artist Josh Barnett has received a conditional license by the California State Athletic Commission to have right to fight. This individual tested positive for the anabolic steroid that is well-known as “Masteron”. It was in June, 2009. His two urine samples demonstrated that this person had taken this forbidden product. It was prior to his fight against Fedor Emelianenko which had to be on August 1, 2009. As a result of his positive, the fighter was excluded from  the event and sentenced to a ban. Thus, Josh Barnett lost his license.
This athlete didn’t admit to application of steroids or other related preparations intentionally. It was the 2nd  time, when this fighter claimed that he had never administered steroids intentionally.
Some years ago this fighter tested positive for steroids as well. After his fight in Las Vegas at UFC 36 in March 2002 he tested positive for metabolites of certain forbidden substances. Thus, he lost his UFC Heavyweight title.
This wrestler was suspended for six months by the Nevada Athletic Commission. Soon after he was senetenced to the ban he left the USA for Japan. This athlete fought there for circa 5 years. Then he returned home. As a defense in 2002, this athlete condemned  a dietary supplement which was sold legally. This fighter noted that he had utilized that supplement in 2002. It was included in the list of the controlled substances later, in 2004. This fighter confirmed that it had been legal, when he had utilized it.
Some people were wondered that the CSAC granted Barnett a license in order to fight again. This mixed martial artist has never acknowledged that he had used steroids.
This fighter  claimed that a banned athlete had to talk publicly about evils of steroids to be involved in competitions again.
Josh Barnett was able to convince the commission that he believed that steroids represented great evil. He asked whether they ever thought that steroids were bad.

There is no doubt that Ben Johnson has used steroids

In case you note about the name “Ben Johnson”, you may see which knowledge other individuals possess. You may observe their interests and thoughts. People are divided into two classes under this circumstance. Certain people ask immediately about the English Renaissance dramatist, poet and actor Ben Johnson. Others ask: “Oh, do you speak about the cheater?”  
No one can doubt that the sportsman Ben Johnson said a lie. It was not a simple lie. This runner tested positive for banned preparations at least three times. Furthermore, it was even after his two suspensions and a return. But it proclaimed that there has been something unusual in his lie. When he lied, he did it greatly. This sprinter cheated such way that everyone listened to him without any breath. Undoubtedly, he didn’t lie in a small village; he did it, when he was in a high position, when the whole planet was gazing at him.  Ben Johnson was on the greatest stage, when he cheated each person on our planet. Thus, he continued to celebrate his fake triumph at the 1988 Olympics.  This sportsperson remained to be considered one of the greatest runners in the world.  Numerous persons have kept thinking that it was the greatest race that was ever run at Olympics.
Every person lies in advertisings in shows. But the rages of cheating may differ significantly. There is inclination during competitions to present own goods in a better light. This is not just trying to cheat; it is a real cheat. But as it usually happens, everyone notes that it is done by everybody and there is nothing abnormal here. Many people try to justify their cheating by the fact that every person does the same way.
Nonetheless, the affirmation of Ben Johnson which was noted by him during his defense was not usual. This athlete claimed that the hamburger that was consumed by him was made of testosterone-injected beef. But then he administered steroids again. Undoubtedly, it was cheating.
If you even utilize anabolic steroids, you need to have sufficient courage to admit your intake instead of cheating the whole world.

понедельник, 16 апреля 2012 г.

A famous British politician’s son is the youngest rugby player at the Tonbridge School that has been suspended due to doping

Jonny Spelman, the son of a famous British politician, was caught possessing steroids after he had noted about application of anabolic steroids on some forums related to bodybuilding. His mother, Caroline Spelman, is a member of the Conservative Party. Lately she was chosen to be the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Steroids were found in Jonny’s room at the Tonbridge School in Kent. Since this teenage violated International Rugby Board the policy which bans steroid use, he received a ban. He turned out to be the youngest rugby player of the Tonbridge who was punished for violation of anti-drug rules.
This teenage tore the anterior cruciate ligament of his leg during a match in September 2011. This teenage ordered certain steroids per internet to receive faster recovery from the injury. Jonny wrote about administration of steroids on some bodybuilding forums under the name “Spelmanjm”. He reported that no one could disturb him to utilize steroids. He wrote that he didn’t intend to discontinue applying these drugs.
This boy wrote about steroidal and prohorone supplements which have been administered by him. The teenage named M1T, SD Matrix, Tren Bombs, Dianabol, Winstrol, Testosterone and  Anavar.
Jonny asked for recommendations related to usage of Testosterone Propionate and Parabolan. He also interested in post cycle therapy with Clomid and Nolvadex.
Jonny’s mother spent certain sums of money in legal and court costs, trying to disturb publishing about Jonny’s ban by the “Daily Star Sunday” The defensive lawyers for Spelman confirmed that the report would be political under this circumstance. According to their words, it would be a political attack on the Secretary Spelman. The news about administration of steroids by Jonny would be as a political weapon against his mother.
Gareth Morgan, the editor of the “Daily Star Sunday”, confirmed that there was a freedom for press and published news related to this situation in March, 2012.
Morgan stated that they had become discouraged by the family of Spelman and by her attempt to disturb publishing the sad news about her family. She tried to apply her influence for this purpose.
Caroline and Mark Spelman, parents of Jonny, expressed words of support for their son due to consequences of steroid use. He may return to professional rugby only after serving of the suspension.

Will Usain Bolt be able to win at the 2012 London Olympics?

The chairman of the London Organising Committee 2012 Sebastian Coe states that the sprinter Usain Bolt is capable to break another world record without administration of anabolic steroids or/and other prohibited substances. There was a discussion about influence of steroids upon enhancement of performance and winnings.
 But the chairman of the London Organising Committee 2012 continues to state that the sportspersons who have intensive and hard workouts rarely succeed because of substances which may increase performance. Coe claims that any person knows that Usain Bolt works very hardly to get wanted results. This sprinter has success without doping. He progresses essentially. Coe adds that there are rare situations, when those that utilize steroids and don’t have hard trainings break world records.
In fact, many elite runners have been sentenced to bans because they have tested positive for steroids. Three of them got the title “The World’s Fastest Man”. They include Ben Johnson, Justin Gatlin and Tim Montgomery. Beside of them, such runners, as LaShawne Merritt, Marion Jones, Dwain Chambers and Kelli White tested positive for prohibited medications and were suspended.
Sebastian Coe was a well-known middle distance runner too. He received the golden medal in the 1500 meter race at the 1980 Moscow Olympics and Los Angeles Olympics of 1984. Sebastian Coe thinks that since he could break world records without application of steroids or/and other related medicines, Usain Bolt will be able to do it too.
Sebastian Coe states that he has broken 12 world records and never utilized any prohibited substance.
Gideon Bolt, Usain’s father, has foreboded that Usain will run a 9.4 the 100 meter rate. This time is claimed to be the limit of human capacities. It is impossible to run this distance more quickly. Sebastian Coe confirms that it is possible without administration of steroids.

What must you comprehend about the steroid Anavar?
The steroid Anavar may be directed to treat patients that experience  anemia, Turner’s syndrome, hereditary angioedema, hepatitis which was caused by alcohol abuse. It is also effective for recovery from some traumas, operation, chronic infections and for strengthening of bones. This drug is successful for curing certain growth disorders in kids too. In addition to these indications, the steroid Anavar is widely used by both males and females for adding strength and defined muscles. It is noted that it is one of the most risk-free steroids that are offered for sales today.

среда, 11 апреля 2012 г.

Rampage Jackson reports about effects of usage of testosterone on his system

The mixed martial artist and actor Quinton “Rampage” Jackson described benefits of the steroid testosterone in the interview with Gary Alexander of “Fighters Only Magazine”. He told about his decision to take testosterone, about its effects on enhancement of muscle mass, weight of the body and his sexuality. He said these words after his fail at UFC 144 in Japan.
The UFC champion was honestly talking about his decision to find a physician who could recommend him testosterone replacement therapy. He talked openly because he thought that testosterone didn’t belong to anabolic steroids.  Jackson claimed that steroids were for muscles but testosterone was natural. Thus, he was mistaken, considering that testosterone is not an anabolic steroid.
In fact, use of testosterone replacement therapy in mixed martial arts is a debated issue. Testosterone is administered legally in case of hypogonadism (low testosterone secretion). Thus, mixed martial artists that suffer from this condition may obtain a therapeutic use exemption which allows to utilize the steroid testosterone legally.
But the issue that is widely discussed is whether the athlete that utilizes therapeutic dosage of testosterone can obtain unfair advantage during competitions.
The most of athletes who have got a therapeutic use exemption for usage of testosterone for medical purposes deny receiving any increase of performance due to testosterone replacement therapy.
As for Rampage Jackson, he admitted that testosterone replacement therapy had promoted enhancing his muscle size, helped to get faster recovery from his injuries and improved his sexual abilities. Jackson said that he had experienced a knee injury. After he had utilized 3 dosages of testosterone, the knee was healed. He gained bodyweight and muscle size. This mixed martial artist claimed that small doses of the steroid testosterone had caused significant changes in him. His sexual life was improved essentially; he began to feel as if he had been just 25.
Rampage Jackson condemned steroids for his impossibility to lose weight to compete in the 206lb weight class.
Jackson claims that he doesn’t violate any rule. He applies testosterone and believes that it is legally.
Jackson Rampage notices that he is glad that he administers testosterone.

Nightmares related to steroids hunt Jose Canseco

The former professional baseball player Jose Canseco has pointed out that he has nightmares connected with steroids. He has stated that he has begun to experience nightmares from the time of writing his book “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big”. The book reveled usage of steroids by several MLB players. Jose Canseco has reported on his Twitter account that nightmares related to steroids hunt him since he wrote the book. Moreover, he continues to experience them till today. He compares them with a demon that never sleeps.
The former professional baseball player has called himself the “godfather of steroids in baseball”. The former professional baseball player noted in his book about usage of steroids in the MLB quite openly. This book has become a bestseller. Jose Canseco has mentioned names of the players that have used anabolic steroids. Canseco confirmed that he had been pushed out of professional baseball due to his book.
Jose Canseco named such sportspeople, as Rafael Palmeiro, Ivan Rodriquez, Jason Giambi and Juan Gonzalez, confirming that they had applied steroids. He also identified Alex Rodriquez and Roger Clemens but he didn’t state that he had known about administration of steroids by these persons directly.
The most celebrated name that has been mentioned by Jose Canseco in his book is the name of the former professional baseball player Mark McGwire that hit 70 homeruns. Jose Canseco noted that McGwire had used Deca Durabolin and Winstrol, when they played with the Oakland A’s.
Canseco noted that he had injected Mark McGwire with steroids many times in the bathrooms and in other places. He noticed that he injected McGwire before their trainings or after them.
At the beginning no one was inclined to believe that these affirmations were true. Mark McGwire denied the statements of Jose Canseco. But later the accusations were proven. Finally Mark McGwire admitted that he had administered steroids and HGH. He said that Jose Canseco had described the truth.
McGwire admitted that he had used prohibited medications and he had apologized about this factor. He noted that he was applying them during the 90s. Later McGwire has obtained possibility to play professional baseball again. Mark McGwire was hired as a St. Louis Cardinals’ hitting instructor.
As for Jose Canseco, he desires to get the second chance and to come back to the MLB. The “Tigres de Quintana Roo” have decided to give the 2nd  chance. Jose Canseco hopes that this is his stop in direction to the MLB.

понедельник, 9 апреля 2012 г.

Effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroids for persons with early stages of asthma exacerbation

Inhaled corticosteroids are typically directed to cure persons with early asthma complications.
According to certain latest studies, one can increase the normal quantity of inhaled steroids by 8 times, but positive effects will be not enhanced in such situation. Ejaz Yousef, a doctor who has been involved in these studies, confirms that if a physician observes that medical position of a person worsens, he/she may recommend administering oral steroids instead of increasing the quantity of inhaled corticosteroids. Enhancing the dosage of inhaled corticosteroids is not without any negative symptom. This aspect leads to various adverse reactions. For example, the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis may be suppressed in such situation.  
Application of inhaled corticosteroids was claimed to be alternative treatment to taking oral drugs. It was in 1997. It was recommended to indicate inhaled steroids as alternatives of oral medications that are effective in case of asthma exacerbations.
Then, several researches have manifested that application of enhanced doses of inhaled steroids systematically doesn’t enhance positive effects.
Yousef and his colleagues have conducted a study that involved almost 200 children of 2-17 years. These kids were treated with inhaled corticosteroids during 3 months. They were chosen randomly for treatment for a period of 12 days. Any kid who had asthma complications was given inhaled corticosteroids. Then the results were evaluated by the doctors.
No any kid who smoked, experienced symptoms of chronic asthma or lung pathology was involved in the study.
Patients needed to inform about their side results via telephone within 72 hours.  Thus, it was reported about cough during nighttime, wheeze, shortness of breath and intolerance  when it comes to exercises. Every result was evaluated according to a score which was ranged from 0 to 4. 0 meant no any sigh; 4 meant the most enhanced severity level.
Only 4 kids out of 82 the children that were given high measures of inhaled corticosteroids had to administer systemic corticosteroids. 2 of them were given doubled dosages; others two were applying the dosage that was more increased by 8 times than a typical one.
According to the results of the study, usefulness of the products, placebo effect, supervision of health care providers and treatment of individuals during early stages of asthma complications were responsible for obtaining positive results.
This as well as other studies demonstrate that not each story about steroids is connected with abuse and administration of them by sportspeople. Steroids are utilizable for numerous medical purposes.

Steroids are not administered by wrestlers of High Schools from Connecticut

The businessman Mark Mansa from Bethel (Connecticut)  was charged with selling anabolic steroids to students of High Schools from the Greater Danbury.
But it was not proven yet whether it is so, as it has been said. Many people doubt that High School wrestlers have bought and administering forbidden products. High School wrestling is a preferred sport in Greater Danbury area. Love to this sport blinds a lot of persons totally. They don’t even suppose that it may be true that High School wrestlers have used steroids, especially anabolic steroids.
Why are anabolic steroids underlined particularly? Anabolics are used to increase muscle mass in short period of time quite evidentially. So, many individuals suppose that while High School students of other sports might have applied steroids, wrestlers are not included in their number. Their statement has been supported by Ricky Shook, a wrestling coach. His team is well-known due to obtaining 10 State Open titles. The trainer  claims that there is no any relation to steroids.
Actually, wrestlers cannot apply steroids or other related preparations to bulk up because there are strict weight rules which are established and managed by the CIAC.  
The wrestler Matt Saraceno was asked about possibility of utilizing steroids by those who are involved in this sport. This individual noted that there was no any possibility of taking steroids. He noted that steroids couldn’t help to keep the mass of the body down. He stated that it was impossible.
Thus, this wrestler broke statements of numerous people about possibility of applying steroids by wrestlers. Since steroids are administered to induce increasing muscle size, it would be as an unwanted effect for a wrestler that puts efforts to store his body weight in order to meet criteria of certain weight class. Furthermore, the rules linked with weight loss are very strict in wrestling. Even unessential changes in body weight can cause a lot of problems. Sudden weight increasing and obtaining of muscles will lead to some troubles like sudden loss of body mass.
The CIAC states that wrestlers must avoid unhealthy loss of body mass. Only concrete amount of body mass can be lost during a season. The CIAC checks changing in body mass of wrestlers. So, the risks related to usage of prohibited medications are very increased for wrestlers.
The coach Shook notes that he doesn’t desire to coach those who apply banned medicines, alcohol and tobacco. He confirms that he says these words each year during interviews for the New-Times.  Thus, the trainer confirms that he doesn’t coach any consumer of prohibited preparations. But if he observes such guy in his team, he will proclaim about this case.
The wrestling coach Shook concludes that wrestling is healthy in comparison with its position in past time. They have a specific program. They subject wrestlers to urine analyses and hydration. This is the sport that performs more tests than any other sport that exists in Connecticut.
Although the trainer has acknowledged that  a wrestler could hide his usage of steroids from him, but it is unlikely.
So, wrestling avoids intake of prohibited medications. There is hope that wrestling will continue to follow this way.

среда, 4 апреля 2012 г.

Some latest studies have shown that inhaled steroids are not responsible for visual problems

Although there are numerous steroids that lead to dangerous unwanted reactions, there are also such steroids that benefit greatly for our health. Several latest researches related to the inhaled corticosteroid budesonide have given to our society certain light of hope. This medicine has been administrated numerous times to cure children that experience asthma. It has been stated that this product led to cataract in kids that used it. But the recent studies have demonstrated that the possibility connected with this undesirable reaction is quite reduced.
Some professors at the University of Southern Denmark in Holding have led a study to determine risk of occurring cataract in the kids that were cured with budesonide. There was no any cataract in 148 patients that were using this inhaled steroid. Among those who didn’t suffer from asthma and were not treated with budesonide 2 individuals had cataract.  It was reported by the pediatric professor Soren Pedersen from the University of the Southern Denmark in Kolding. This statement was pronounced during a meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology in San Francisco.   Soren Pedersen noticed that when it came to cataract, there was no any difference between those that took budesonide and those who didn’t use it.
The doctor Soren Pederson and his colleagues have cured many persons who had asthma with budesonide during over 2 decades. There was no any indication that this inhales steroid could cause any dangerous undesirable reaction. Kids that were given budesonide didn’t experience any growth problems.
In the latest study 270 children with asthma were given budesonide; 62 kids didn’t apply budesonide because their parents feared of the results. Parents of those to whom budesonide was given stated that no any serious unwanted response was observed in their kids. 30 of those 62 children that applied the inhaled steroid budesonide felt positive effects in the treatment of asthma.
The professors have defined that the risk of cataract for those who cure asthma with budesonide was 5 %.
Soren Pedersen stated that there was no any cataract or another undesirable effect linked with vision during over 15 years of his practice of curing children with the steroid budesonide.
Hyun Don Yun, MD, a resident in allergy and immunology at Harbor Hospital in Baltimore, has reported that these aspects have manifested that even long-time therapy with the inhaled steroid budesonide doesn’t lead to any unwanted effect connected with vision system.
According to certain other researches, inhaled steroids have other influence on our systems in comparison with effects of other steroids.
It is necessary to conclude that there are steroids that can benefit instead of causing severe side effects. It is impossible to contest positive effects of some steroids.

Effectiveness of the steroid hydrocortisone in salvation of lives

The French have conducted certain researches related to pneumonia and steroids. According to the results of their studies, those who experience brain injuries may avoid complications related to pneumonia, if they are cured with the steroid hydrocortisone. These latest researches have shown several positive effects of steroids for medical needs.
Pneumonia which is caused by traumatic brain injury is a serious illness. Unluckily, it occurs frequently. The Journal of the American Medical Association has noticed that the percentage of pneumonia which appears due to traumas is 40-60 %. It is more spread among patients who have experienced brain injuries.
Early post-traumatic pneumonia requires serious medical care and hospitalization. The risk of death is enhanced. Undoubtedly, prevention of this disease is clinical and economic problem.
Dr. Antoine Roquilly of the University of Nantes in France has confirmed that experimental and clinical data have demonstrated that administration of corticosteroids can lower the occurrence as well as severity of pneumonia.
A research related to this disease was conducted 3 years from 2006 to 2009. 150 persons who experienced different types of serious brain injuries were treated with the steroid hydrocortisone. Other patients with this disease were treated just with sugar pills. More than half of individuals that were treated with sugar pills began to suffer from pneumonia over the month. As for those who were cured with the steroid hydrocortisone, the results were more encouraging. Less than 36 % of them acquired pneumonia during the same period of time. So, they didn’t need to be ventilated mechanically. Furthermore, they avoided respiratory problems that troubled the patients that were treated with sugar pills.
Dr. Lisandro Irizarry of the Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City has stated that the study is interesting but it requires further researches in order to be considered a part of standardized treatment.
 In fact, any individual that has experienced a brain injury may confront the problem, when he/she doesn’t have capacity to engage in usual oral hygiene and routine expectorating of mucus. It can result in great amounts of bacteria. It increases the risk connected with pneumonia. So, when a body has such stress, as a trauma, some hormones, including hydrocortisone, should assist in healing. But this process may be suppressed by trauma. That’s why such patient needs an external supplement of steroids for a short period of time to enhance healing responses of the body.
Although these researches have proven effectiveness of the steroid hydrocortisone for individuals with brain injuries, some more studies have to be conducted. It shows that steroids have capacity to save lives of people in certain cases.