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вторник, 31 января 2012 г.

Although other teams also have taken performance-enhancing drugs in 1970s, the Pittsburgh Steelers are blamed more than others

When it is proclaimed that the Pittsburgh Steelers will play, sportswriters seem to be responsible to write about their relations with steroids. They put efforts to create a steroid scandal and to find any probable links of this team with it.
Mike Fish of ESPN displayed the same attitude, when this team played in the 2009 Super Bowl.  Thisjournalist turned to be successful in writing news about the Pittsburgh Steelers and steroids.
Although sportswriters do not have always success, when it comes to allegations of a team or a person with performance-enhancing drugs before a competition, the situation is altered, if it is spoken about the Pittsburgh Steelers. Reporters like writing about their history, about the lesson connected with anabolic steroids that took place in 1970s.
David Fleming wrote about historical lessons of the Steelers before a game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers. This person mentioned about time, when the NFL hadn’t yet banned usage of steroids. Thus, according to certain sources, the Pittsburgh Steelers’ players took steroids in the late 1970s. It is mentioned in the 1991 book “False Glory: The Steve Courson Story” that over 70 % of the offensive linemen of the Steelers  took steroids.
It must have been true but you should understand that application of steroids was not prohibited. Why are the Steelers condemned, if steroid use was permitted?
Jim Haslett told the New Orleans Saints that the Pittsburgh Steelers had won many times in 1970s and in 1980s because of steroids. According to this trainer, the players of the team became much stronger due to intake of steroids.
But it is necessary to be cautious here. The Steelers were not the first football team that took steroids and other medicines which possess performance-enhancing effects. There were other teams in professional football that used steroids even in well-organized manner.
Matt Chaneygives the better explanation related to application of steroids in football. He noticed in his book “The Spiral of Denial: Muscle Doping in American football” that the Steelers hadn’t to be blamed for the steroid revolution in football. There was another team that was responsible for this aspect. The San Diego Charges took steroids before the Steelers in 1960s.  
Although the Pittsburgh Steelers took steroids in 1970s, it is impossible to confirm that they won due to steroids. There were also players of other teams who used these medications too. Nonetheless, the Pittsburgh Steelers were successful!

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