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вторник, 26 февраля 2013 г.

Lance Armstrong tells Oprah that he has doped

Lance Armstrong was denying doping for years. However he was accused of taking prohibited preparations many times, he continued to claim that he never administered forbidden medications. Even when the USADA proved that the cyclist doped, he cheated about doping. But finally, Lance Armstrong decided to admit to using EPO, testosterone and blood transfusions.
However a lot of sportspersons administered doping products and avoided detection successfully, there was something unusual in the doping case of Lance Armstrong. Lance Armstrong reached great success in sports. He obtained 7 Tour de France titles. He won also certain other awards. Lance Armstrong got worldwide success. However he submitted to numerous drug tests, he never tested positive for any banned medication.
Undoubtedly, the American cyclist is not the only sportsperson who has doped. Sportspersons have administered banned medicines during past years. They continue to administer anabolic steroids and other related products nowadays. And professional sportspeople will administer them in future. Usage of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs is spread in professional sports. Almost each athlete applies forbidden products. While some sportspersons test positive for forbidden medications and receive suspensions, others avoid detection.
When it comes to the attitude to Lance Armstrong’s doping, it’s mainly negative. Many persons got great anger, when the celebrated cyclist admitted to using EPO, the steroid testosterone and blood transfusions. A lot of individuals believed in him. They thought that Lance Armstrong was “clean”. That’s why their disappointment was essential.
And what is about “clean” sports? Anti-doping officials should ponder over this issue. While anti-doping officers state that they have sophisticated tests to eradicate doping from sports, many sportspersons use steroids and/or other doping products and remain undetectable.
While Lance Armstrong has admitted to taking banned medicines, anti-doping agencies should realize that their programs are weak.

Lance Armstrong has acted like almost each professional athlete

Przemyslaw Saleta’s opinion about Lance Armstrong’s cheating differs from that of numerous persons. The polish boxer doesn’t condemn the American cyclist. Przemyslaw Saleta notices that Lance Armstrong has acted like almost every professional sportsman. The 7-time Tour de France winner has administered prohibited products and lied about his doping. It’s not surprising. Almost every sportsperson takes steroids and other related medicines.
While numerous sportspersons that take banned substances are caught by anti-doping agencies and sentenced to suspensions, Lance Armstrong has never tested positive for any prohibited medicine. He was not caught, despites of having been subjected to numerous drug tests. Undoubtedly, Lance Armstrong is not the only athlete who has avoided detection successfully. Let take Chinese sportspeople as an example! They are sponsored by the state. The state provides money enough to obtain such products that are undetectable. Thus, numerous Chinese athletes apply doping products without being caught. It becomes obvious that athletes that have much money may use performance-enhancing drugs and avoid detection. Lance Armstrong is just one of such sportspersons.
Przemyslaw Saleta has an unusual proposal. He thinks that steroids and other related medications should be legalized in professional sports. According to this sportsman, steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs are not dangerous for health, if they are administered by adults that possess sufficient information about ways to consume them correctly. Przemyslaw Saleta considers that usage of steroids and other related medications by sportspersons should be supervised by health care providers. So, sportspersons are likely to avoid grave unwanted effects.
Furthermore, Przemyslaw Saleta thinks that steroids and other related medications are indispensible in such sports, as cycling. Cycling is a sport where athletes have to endure very extreme conditions while training and competing. So, anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs help cyclists to maintain health in better conditions. Cycling in itself is dangerous without anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.
But Przemyslaw Saleta specifies that anabolic steroids and other related medications should be banned in amateur sports. Moreover, young athletes must not be also permitted to administer these drugs because they may cause essential harm in them. Teenagers must not take such medicines because they may face serious negative consequences.
Nevertheless, Przemyslaw Saleta notes that it is wrong to believe that steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs represent the key to success. According to him, success can be obtained with the help of hard working.

понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

Criminal sanctions for illegal activities of compounding pharmacies

A lot of drug manufacturers violate laws. But just some of them are sanctioned appropriately. A lot of drug manufacturers avoid serious sanctions successfully. But only when serious scandals result from illicit actions of pharmaceutical companies, they are sentenced to proper penalties. For example, everyone is aware of the meningitis outbreak that has spread across the country because of tainted steroid injections produced by a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy. Undoubtedly, owners and officials of the drug manufacturer will be sanctioned appropriately. But when illicit actions of compounding pharmacies don’t lead to such serious problems, they continue with their business successfully.
The media reports about illicit operations connected with steroids, painkillers and other prescription preparations daily. But you may see that pharmaceutical companies get only light sentencing for illicit sale of steroids and other doping products. So, athletes and bodybuilders have free access to doping products. They purchase steroids and other related products from compounding centers and take them for athletic needs. Furthermore, several drug manufacturers provide fake prescriptions for anabolic steroids. Corrupt physicians supply customers of pharmacies with prescriptions that are given without required examination of customers’ personal conditions.
Compounding pharmacies are responsible not only for illegal sale of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Some pharmaceutical companies produce medications in unsterile conditions. As a result, many individuals get tainted medications and experience severe complications, applying  these products. Several persons even die from contamination resulted from intake of contaminated drugs. As you are possibly informed, 39 persons died because of fungal meningitis caused by tainted methylprednisolone acetate injections.
The late contamination with fungal meningitis should have an impact on decisions of appropriate authorities. Criminal penalties should take place. Otherwise, health of many individuals is in a great danger. Prescription medications must be sold just under real prescriptions. All preparations must be manufactured in sterile conditions. If pharmaceutical companies don’t obey all laws, they must be sanctioned. They must not be permitted to continue with business, if they violate laws. Forfeiture of licenses should be accompanied by other serious sanctions.

Steroids are demonized for Lance Armstrong’s testicular cancer

Although the ashamed American cyclist Lance Armstrong has already lost his Tour de France titles and other awards, his doping scandal is still widely debated. Many persons are still expressing their attitudes to this case. Not only his alleged usage of performance-enhancing drugs is discussed but some persons also argue about Lance Armstrong’s testicular cancer. Why has Lance Armstrong suffered from this illness in his young years? What has caused this disease in him?
Whoopi Goldberg, a prominent American actress is also implicated in disputes connected with Lance Armstrong’s steroid scandal. While she has been mainly involved in debates connected with marijuana and other related drugs, now she has chosen to join those who fight against anabolic steroids and other related medicines.
According to Whoopi Goldberg, Lance Armstrong has got testicular cancer because of steroids. The actress considers that steroids are likely to cause cancer. She believes that these medications may induce appearing and developing cancer. Whoopi Goldberg considers that specialists should inform people about possible tights between steroids and cancer. The actress notices that specialists can find out whether Lance Armstrong has developed cancer because of steroids.
But what do other prominent individuals think about Lance Armstrong’s testicular cancer? Bob Weiner, a well-known political commentator, notes that anyone should be very cautious while expressing suggestions that anabolic steroids are responsible for development of cancer. This man acknowledges that these preparations  are blamed for many negative results which are quite harmful for consumers’ health and even life. But he notices that it is uncommon to demonize steroids for cancer. Such affirmations are serious. Bob Weiner believes that this issue has nothing to do with anti-doping morality.
Nonetheless, Bob Weiner is ready to believe that Lance Armstrong’s testicular cancer has developed because of anabolic steroids. This illness normally doesn’t trouble young males. Why then has Lance Armstrong experienced it? Since scientific literature suggests that links between cancer and steroid use may exist, Bob Weiner doesn’t deny statements of Whoopi Goldberg.
But as it has been already noticed, this issue is not included in those of anti-doping policies. Anti-doping officers focus on morality and they don’t care about protection of sportspeople’s health.

четверг, 21 февраля 2013 г.

Drug manufacturers are not punished for their illegal operations properly

Drug manufacturers are inclined to illicit operations. Numerous pharmacies manufacture and distribute fake medications. As a result, users don’t acquire desired benefits. Moreover, fake drugs may lead to dangerous unusual unwanted reactions in users. In addition to these illegal activities, drug manufacturers also distribute prescription preparations illegally. Steroids, HGH, painkillers and other drugs are offered for sale without any prescription. So, numerous persons apply these preparations for non-clinical purposes. Anabolic steroids and other doping products are widely taken for athletic purposes. Sportspersons and bodybuilders obtain and use these drugs in order to enhance muscle mass and add strength. Many individuals want to be more muscular and combat tiredness during trainings and competitions. That’s why they choose to administer anabolic-androgenic steroids and other doping products. Several other individuals try to look nicer. So, they administer several prescription medicines for anti-aging purposes.
Steroids, HGH and other performance-enhancing drugs are widely sold at online pharmacies. Certain companies even hire corrupt physicians that supply customers with proper prescriptions. These physicians provide prescriptions without required evaluation of clients and even without seeing them. Getting prescriptions, numerous persons buy steroids and other related medicnes and administer them for non-clinical goals.
Although sale and administration of anabolic steroids for non-medical needs are banned under laws of many countries, a lot of pharmacies avoid punishment successfully. While some companies and persons are found guilty of illegal actions related to preparations, they are rarely punished properly. Moreover, they continue to manufacture and distribute anabolic steroids illegally.
Another problem connected with illegal manufacture and distribution of anabolic steroids and other related preparations is following: some companies manufacture medications in unsterile conditions. Thus, individuals that apply such preparations may be contaminated with certain illnesses. Sometimes contamination with a serious disease may be tragic for several consumers. The meningitis outbreak which has recently occurred in the USA is widely discussed around the world. 39 persons died because they applied tainted steroid injections. Thus, proper officials should monitor manufacture of medicines. If safety is not at the top level, health of users is in a great danger.

NECC should have been shut down in 2003

In 2003 the FDA had in mind to close the New England Compounding Center (NECC) which lately caused the meningitis outbreak in some states of America. The NECC manufactured contaminated Methylprednisolone Acetate injections. Over 400 persons who applied the tainted steroid injections were sickened with fungal meningitis. This illness turned out to be tragic for 39 persons.
According to a recent report published by the House of Energy and Commerce Committee, the meningitis outbreak could have been prevented. The report disclosed numerous cases related to the NECC that should have been closed by the FDA earlier.
The FDA claimed in 2003 that the Massachusetts pharmacy should not have manufactured medicines till improving of the situation. But ultimately the FDA didn’t ban manufacture of products at the NECC. Since the NECC was claimed to be a pharmacy, it should have been ruled by Massachusetts officials. So, the FDA let Massachusetts colleagues to improve the situation. As for Massachusetts officials, they didn’t prohibit manufacture of preparations at once. The company continued to manufacture products. Just Barry Cadden, the owner of the NECC, got reprimand.
Moreover, the NECC was guilty of some illicit activities. The company acted inappropriately under its license. While the NECC was a pharmacy, it acted as a manufacturer and shipped thousands doses of preparations to hospitals and individual patients.
In 2002 several persons suffered from unusual adverse effects after they had got bethamethasone injections produced by the Massachusetts pharmacy.
Later certain persons who got methylprednisolone acetate injections manufactured by the Massachusetts pharmacy were sickened with bacterial meningitis. Since these persons got complete recovery because of antibiotics, the case was forgotten. The NECC was not punished for the contaminated preparations.
These and even certain other cases manifest that the NECC should have punished earlier. The pharmacy should have been closed for its illegal and improper operations. But the NECC was never sentenced to any severe penalties. As a result, the company continued to produce preparations that were dangerous for consumers’ health. Finally, the meningitis outbreak caused by contaminated injections of the Massachusetts pharmacy spread to several states and sickened many persons. If the pharmacy had been closed earlier, the contamination with deadly fungal meningitis would not have occurred.

понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

Tennessee health officials are worthy of praise

The meningitis outbreak caused by tainted steroid injections could have been prevented. But since the FDA didn’t use its authority for this goal suitably, more than 500 persons were contaminated with this illness and 39 recipients of the steroids died.
Tennessee officials displayed unbelievable competence under these circumstances. They were praised by legislators for their definite actions.
It was announced that a lot of persons who had received steroid injections produced by the NECC suffered from complications. When Tennessee health officials were informed about this situation, they enforced all health facilities to discontinue utilizing medications manufactured by the pharmacy from Massachusetts. Furthermore, they informed immediately about contamination health officials of other states. Actions of Tennessee health officials were quick and decisive. They acted rapidly and did everything in order to prevent further contamination and improve help those that were already contaminated with meningitis.
If Tennessee health officials hadn’t been so decisive and competent, more persons would have been contaminated with fungal meningitis and more deaths would have occurred.
As for the FDA, it appeared to be incompetent. It didn’t utilize its power immediately in order to improve the situation. Then it tried to justify its negligence, claiming that its authority was not cleared and established enough to interfere in such large-scale pharmacies, as the NECC. However, the FDA’s excuse was not accepted.
Tennessee health officials  deserve to receive a gold medal for their actions.
Although certain individuals consider that they could avoid contamination, warnings about risks still exist. A lot of persons are still hospitalized. Others are contracted by health officials. If any side results occur at injection sites of those who have utilized the tainted steroids, they should contact doctors at once.

Manny Pacquiao is ready to serve others

Every Filipino knows and loves the professional boxer Manny Pacquiao. This fighter represents own country successfully. So, Filipinos are proud of him. This sportsman is devoted to his fighting career. Manny Pacquiao is claimed to be a national sports hero and an international star. The boxer is known around the world.
It is necessary to notice that Filipinos love Manny Pacquiao not just for his success in boxing. While some Filipinos claim that they are not interested in boxing at all, they note that they love Manny Pacquiao. It’s not strange. Manny Pacquiao is a very loving and magnanimous individual. Several persons note that he is humble and proud at the same time. While he successfully represents his country during fights, he serves other individuals. Have you heard that Manny Pacquiao is a politician? This man is a public servant. It is interesting to note that he doesn’t expect others to serve him. He desires to serve and help others.
Manny Pacquiao has unpleasant experience. His life has not been always easy. This person has suffered from many difficulties like other Filipinos. His father has left the family, when Manny Pacquiao has been a boy. Thus, Manny Pacquiao has not had an easy life. He has experienced poverty. He knows how Filipinos live and what they feel. That’s why being a civil servant, Manny Pacquiao puts efforts in order to improve his people’s life.
The boxer is also a religious person. He reads the Bible every day. His deeds manifest that he believes in God.
 There is only one aspect which causes controversy. Manny Pacquiao is accused of doping. Numerous persons suppose that physical changes in this fighter point at doping. But Manny Pacquiao says that he has never applied anabolic steroids. His strength coach Ariza claims that the fighter has success because of new training methods elaborated by him. Ariza notices that he is a scientist that has introduced new training regimen which has been adopted by Manny Pacquiao successfully.
Manny Pacquiao notes that he succeeds because of God’s help and workouts. He makes it clear that he is not bothered by steroid accusations because he knows that he has never used any illegal products. Manny Pacquiao also reminds about the disgrace of the American cyclist Lance Armstrong. He notes that he doesn’t desire to have success with the help of illegal preparations because such methods can ruin his good name.

вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Unsterile conditions are blamed for contamination with meningitis

It is widely discussed about the meningitis outbreak that has happened in certain states of America. Contaminated Methylprednisolone Acetate injections led to fungal meningitis in over 500 individuals. The contamination turned out to be fatal for 39 persons: they died. The majority of deaths took place in Tennessee.
It was said that contaminated steroid injections had been produced by the New England Compounding Center (NECC) that is based in Massachusetts. The FDA tested the company in order to set what caused contamination and see the situation at the NECC. It was confirmed by the FDA that the contaminated steroid injections were really produced by this company.
The FDA told the Associated Press that it was evident that preparing of preparations was unsterile at the NECC. The FDA claimed that leaking water and uncontrolled temperature were only some problems at the pharmacy. The equipment used for preparing of solution for injections was unsterile.
Moreover, the FDA stated that there were some other contaminants. Several bacterial contaminants were found at the pharmacy. However these contaminants were not real pathogens, they were able to result in infection as well. These bacterial contaminants were found in such drugs, as Betamethasone and Triamcinolone. There were not any situations reported about contamination caused by application of these products. But it was noted that these medicines were also able to cause contamination. Although the bacterial contaminants were anywhere in the environment, they had not to be in medications. This fact pointed at unsterile conditions at the compounding center and affirmed that the Methylprednisolone Acetate injections turned out to be contaminated with fungal meningitis because they were manufactured in improper conditions.
The situation made it clear that new laws on compounding pharmacies should be established. Contamination should be prevented. Otherwise, health of Americans is in danger.

Barry Larkin puts efforts to convince young athletes not to use doping products

The retired baseball player Barry Larkin claims about his negative attitude towards sportspeople that have ever administered anabolic steroids and/or other banned products. He claims that such baseball players who have ever been linked to doping products must not be elected for the Baseball Hall of Fame. To be introduced to the Hall of Fame is the highest honor which is gotten by baseball players. Barry Larkin has been introduced in the Hall of Fame last year. He believes that steroid users should not get the greatest honor. They should realize that they have made a serious mistake, when they have made a decision to use steroids and/or other related remedies. Their decision means that they should be out of this club forever.
Barry Larkin is one of  the most successful baseball players. He has obtained several awards, while playing professional baseball.
Barry Larkin also notices about Pete Rose that is kept out of the Baseball Hall of Fame. This athlete has gambled on baseball games. That’s why he has been suspended from professional baseball for the entire life. Thus, he doesn’t have any possibility to enter the Hall of Fame. Barry Larkin thinks that those that have ever applied forbidden drugs should get similar punishment. They must not be introduced into the Hall of Fame.
Barry Larkin has played during the steroid era. He doesn’t plan to demonize those that have played with and against him. He doesn’t make rash conclusions about other baseball players. Barry Larkin claims that no any athlete should be punished, if his guilt has not been proven. He is claimed to be innocent until it will be evident that he has actually applied anabolic steroids and/or other related substances.
Barry Larkin also takes part in teaching young sportspeople about risks related to intake of steroids. He has established a charity foundation which has been called after his name. So, the former successful baseball player puts essential efforts in order to make baseball clean. He urges young people not to use anabolic steroids and other doping products. Barry Larkin desires to see baseball drug-free.

понедельник, 11 февраля 2013 г.

Dana White: Anderson Silva has amazing performance

Dana White, the UFC president, continues to note that the fight between Anderson Silva and George St-Pierre will occur. However Anderson Silva has noted that he is not interested in the fight, Dana White doesn’t lose his hope. Dana White claims that the fight between these men will take place before Anderson Silva ends his athletic career.
Anderson Silva will also fight against Jon Jones. But today Jon Jones trains in order to face Chael Sonnen. The fight is scheduled to be in April this year.
Since Anderson Silva and St-Pierre don’t express any hatred to each other, fans want more eagerly to see the fight between Anderson Silva and Jon Jones.
During interviews both Anderson Silva and George St-Pierre have said that they don’t want to face one another. Despites of their words, the UFC president states that he knows the situation better. He claims that while Anderson Silva and George St-Pierre state that they don’t desire to face each other in the ring, it isn’t true. The UFC president notes that wholly opposite words are pronounced behind the scenes. Furthermore, Anderson Silva never refuses fans’ proposals. The MMA fighter always does what he must do.
The UFC president praises Anderson Silva. He says that this fighter has great abilities. Anderson Silva has manifested his splendid performance many times.
It is interesting to notice that Anderson Silva has defeated Stephan Bonnar who has taken anabolic steroids.
Saying about the fight against Anderson Silva, Stephan Bonnar said that his opponent showed great abilities. He added that Anderson Silva defeated him entirely. He felt as if he hadn’t won any fight. So, Stephan Bonnar lost the fight, despites of his usage of prohibited medicines.
The UFC president doesn’t discontinue admiring of Anderson Silva. The UFC president thinks that the fighter evaluates his skills appropriately and he knows that he can win any match. That’s why Anderson Silva is ready to face any fighter anytime.

FDA notes about ambiguity in rules on pharmacies

The fungal meningitis outbreak that started in September 2012 had serious influence on America. Contaminated injectable steroids were manufactured by the New England Compounding Center (located in Massachusetts) and administered by a lot of persons. As a result, more than 400 patients were contaminated with fungal meningitis in more than 20 states. 39 individuals sickened with this illness died. 14 deaths occurred in Tennessee.
It became evident that it was necessary to do something in order to prevent such cases. Contamination must not occur in future. The FDA had to meet with representatives of all states in order to discuss this problem. Thus, lately a meeting took place in order to find ways linked with prevention of contamination in the future.
It was specified during the meeting that new rules on compounding centers should be introduced.
Representatives of certain states claimed that they did suitable job in their states and no any person experienced troubles connected with contamination. Furthermore, they noted critically that they didn’t know what occurred in other states.
When it comes to the FDA, its authority over such cases is not established properly. Federal court cases which were during past years weakened the authority of the FDA evidentially. In addition to these unpleasant aspects, some laws seem to be unclear.
Margaret Hamburg, the FDA Commissioner, expressed the proposal to improve the situation through the following modifications:
- to manage training of state regulators;
- to promote sharing information between the FDA and states;
- to eradicate ambiguity from laws.

These proposals seem to be justifiable. Such modifications will probably help to promote improving public health of Americans. Undoubtedly, if laws contain ambiguity, no any agreement will be reached. That’s why new rules should be introduced and existing laws should be altered.
The FDA hopes that state regulators will cooperate with it in order to prevent producing and shipping contaminated drugs.

среда, 6 февраля 2013 г.

What will you remember, thinking about sports of 2012?

Another year has gone away. Thinking about 2012, what will you note about sports? Which names will you pronounce? Will you talk of amazing baseball players? Will you talk about the dishonored American cyclist Lance Armstrong? Will you notice about the Summer Olympics? Will you discuss concussions of football players? Will you note about suicides committed by several professional football players? What will you notice about Melky Cabrera?
Undoubtedly, everyone will remember the case related to Lance Armstrong while speaking about sports of 2012. Each person will note about the role of anabolic steroids in cycling and in other sports. Any person will mention about potential undesirable reactions of anabolic steroids taken for athletic goals. Any individual interested in sports will remember what reporters have affirmed about anabolic steroids, lying in sports and numerous methods of athletes to succeed in professional sports.
Thinking about sports of 2012, you will possibly comment the steroid era in baseball and integrity of this sport. You will also mention about dreadful actions of Jerry Sandusky and his athletic career at Penn State.
But let guess what future generations will remember. What will historians remark one hundred years later? Will they draw attention on cases about James LeBron, Melky Cabrera and Jerry Sandusky? Will they talk over concussions of NFL players? However they will possibly discuss these situations, the most heat debates will be connected with Lance Armstrong’s steroid scandal. This is a case that will be never forgotten. Many persons will remember achievements of Lance Armstrong in cycling and his further downfall. Undoubtedly, they will also notice about his foundation Livestrong and influence of his spoiled reputation upon the charity organization. They will remember that usage of steroids resulted in loss of Tour de France titles, distancing from the organization Livestrong and some other problems. Lance Armstrong will be ever in the memory of the American society.

Roger Clemens should enter Hall of Fame

Fans of baseball and a lot of other individuals seem to be perturbed by results of voting for the Hall of Fame. Several great players have not entered the Baseball Hall of Fame. It is not surprisingly that you also ask why they have not been elected. Under rules of voting, those that have manifested brilliant baseball abilities and contributed to their teams significantly should be elected. Undoubtedly, such baseball players, as Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro, Mark McGwire and certain other individuals have manifested great abilities and accomplishments while playing professionally. Why aren’t they elected for the Baseball Hall of Fame?
A lot of voters state that they will never support those that have ever been related to steroids and/or other related drugs. Dopers should be sanctioned. Future generations should understand that they will never actually have success in sports, if they apply doping products.
What would you do, if you were a voter? Would you support dopers?
In fact, voters never possess complete information about admitted and suspected consumers of steroids. You can’t prove that Roger Clemens has actually taken doping products. A lot of persons have suspicions but there is no any proof. Why should voters refuse to support him? Are they sure that he has applied anabolic steroids and other forbidden remedies? –No, they aren’t. That’s why it is wrong to keep Roger Clemens out of the Baseball Hall of Fame just because of suspicions.
While several voters are ready to support suspected steroid users, they claim that they will never vote for an admitted consumer of steroids. Although it seems to be fair, let review the situation better! Have steroids played any substantial role in success of certain baseball player? For example, if even Roger Clemens has used performance-enhancing drugs, it is possible to convince anyone that he has had great success not because of steroids. Great achievements of this brilliant baseball player have been displayed before his alleged steroid use. According to some affirmations, Roger Clemens has used steroids since 1998 and then in 2000 and 2001.  But the most brilliant achievements have been done by him before 1998. So, nobody can state that anabolic steroids have helped Roger Clemens to succeed in professional baseball. That’s why he should enter the Hall of Fame.
Moreover, why are many persons inclined to blame just dopers? Isn’t it the society that presses sportspersons to start applying steroids and other related medicines?

понедельник, 4 февраля 2013 г.

It is wrong to keep Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa and Roger Clemens out of Baseball Hall of Fame

Certain members of the Baseball Hall of Fame affirm that steroid users must never be elected for their club. They allege that such baseball players, as Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens should be kept out of the Baseball Hall of Fame. They are very pleased that these persons didn’t receive needed percentage of voting to be in the Hall of Fame. According to them, it is correct. They suggest that otherwise our children get confused. They will think that they are allowed to take steroids and whatever they want and remain unpunished. Thus, it would be a bad example for future generations. Al Kaline, Goose Gossage and several others who belong to the Baseball Hall of Fame have this point of view. They even notice about cycling, as a good example to follow.
What happened actually in cycling? The legendary American cyclist was accused of applying forbidden products. As a result, he was stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles and sentenced to life-time ban.
So, several Hall of Famers suggest that cycling is a good example for baseball. Baseball players that are found guilty of doping should be banned from this sport wholly. Record books must not include information about success of those that have been caught administering prohibited products. Those that have lied should be punished appropriately.
Nonetheless, not every member of the Baseball Hall of Fame has similar point of view. For example, Juan Marichal supports Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens, etc. He believes that these baseball players should be in the Hall of Fame. These sportspersons are stars in baseball. Nobody could prove that they have actually taken doping products. Since there is no any proof, suspicions cost nothing.
Under rules related to voting for the Hall of Fame, baseball players that have amazing abilities and those that have contributed to their teams substantially should be in the Hall of Fame.  Nobody doubts that Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were great players. They made evident contributions to their teams. That’s why they should be elected for the Hall of Fame.

Angel “Memo” Hernandez knows legal remedies to add muscle mass

Any fan saw that the body of the American boxer Juan Manuel Marquez had been changed essentially. What led to such dramatic changes in the sportsperson?
Since Juan Manuel Marquez is linked to the admitted steroid dealer Angel “Memo” Hernandez, numerous persons suggest that the boxer’s muscles have been enhanced because of steroids and/or other related products. Angel “Memo” Hernandez has been employed as a strength coach of Juan Manuel Marquez. This man was related to the BALCO scandal. As it was learnt, this person supplied many elite sportspersons with anabolic steroids and other related products. He provided information about certain sportspersons who purchased banned medications from him.
Finding out that Angel “Memo” Hernandez has been a distributor of steroids, a lot of persons suppose that he provides doping products to Juan Manuel Marquez. Some suspicions and even accusations were presented by Freddie Roach, Manny Pacquiao’s trainer. Freddie Roach expressed the desire to subject the both fighters Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao to testing before the fight.
In fact, Freddie Roach didn’t have any proof. He focused only on enhanced muscles of Juan Manuel Marquez.
Later Manny Pacquiao’s trainer claimed that he didn’t mean anything serious. He claimed that he was just joking.
Angel “Memo” Hernandez affirmed that he was not only a coach. Since he is a scientist, he knows a lot of things. He knows the best methods to enhance muscles and add strength. Angel “Memo” Hernandez says that he knows the ways to do it legally. No any illegal medication is included in his methods. But he doesn’t want to reveal the ways. The coach specifies that this is a secret.
As for Juan Manuel Marquez, he claimed that he never took any prohibited medication. He noticed that it was not drugs that caused the evident changes in his physique. Furthermore, he specified that weight was not the most important factor while fighting. According to the boxer, a fighter should possess intelligence, speed and strength in order to succeed.
Neither Juan Manuel Marquez, nor Manny Pacquiao was tested for prohibited substances before the ring. Such tests are usually applied by the Nevada State Athletic Commission after fights.