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вторник, 31 июля 2012 г.

Should be caffeine banned in sports?

The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) claims that caffeine should be included in banned drugs of the World Anti-Doping Agency. The president of the AOC John Coates notes that caffeine promotes addiction to sleeping tablets and tranquillisers.
It is known that the Australian swimmers who took part at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics used sleeping pills Stilnox. So, Coates believes that usage of caffeine led to intake of Stilnox.
Stilnox is ordinarily sold under the name Zolpidem. It is a sleeping remedy that is used in case of insomnia.
The president of AOC notes that athletes use caffeine for its effects on performance. Usage of this substance causes insomnia. So, sportspersons should use sleeping tablets in order to cure insomnia.
 The AOC and Swimming Australia desire to prohibit usage of caffeine. It is their response to the disgraceful case related to Grant Hackett. A physician recommended using Stilnox to this athlete at the time of the 2003 World Championships. As a result, this swimmer became addicted to this sleeping remedy.
Grant Hackett is a famous swimmer. He won numerous competitions, including the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the 2004 Athens Olympics and the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Alan Thompson, the former coach of the Australian Olympic Team, has also confirmed that intake of Stilnox is widely spread among Australian swimmers.
Stilnox was never on the list of prohibited products. Anti-doping agencies didn’t conduct tests to disclose usage of this medicine.
But when it comes to caffeine, previously it was banned by the WADA. But since it became widely spread and used in society, it was excluded from the list of banned products.
John Fahey, the president of the WADA, confirms that the WADA made the right decision and excluded caffeine from list of forbidden preparations. He claimed that caffeine would not be included in the list of banned drugs again.
However numerous specialists state that caffeine is a performance enhancer, John Fahey contests this statement. He affirms that caffeine doesn’t impact on performance. John Fahey concludes that no any scientific literature describes capacity of caffeine to enhance performance.

Any former British steroid user that has served his ban successfully may participate in Olympic Games

The British track sprinter Dwain Chambers, that successfully served his 2-year suspension for application of anabolic steroids, was named the representative of Great Britain in the 2012 Olympics.
Chambers troubles about the way to represent the native country. When it comes to the British Olympic Association (BOA), they don’t desire to see him participating in the 2012 Summer Olympics. Some former British Olympians don’t support the steroid user too.
The sprinter administered the steroid tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) introduced by Patrick Arnold. After Don Catlin introduced a method that could discover intake of THG, Chambers tested positive for this steroid. It was on November 7, 2003.
Of course, administration of the steroid destroyed his reputation. When he tried to come back to professional sports, the BOA decided to change the laws in order to prevent appearing of Dwain Chambers in the 2012 London Olympics. The BOA has elaborated the rules which ban steroid users from Olympics for life-time.
Establishing this rule, the BOA violated the doping code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). This situation resulted in many disputes and news.
The case was even examined in the Court of Arbitration for Sports. Loyd Moynihan, the chairman of the BOA, put great efforts in order to prevent appearing of Dwain Chambers or other consumers of steroids at Olympics. Sebastian Coe and Daley Thompson, former Olympians, loudly supported efforts of the BOA.
 Daley Thompson claimed that Britain should not compromise. He claimed that Britain should not listen to the rest of the world that don’t want to have high standards in sports. The Court of Arbitration for Sports acted on behalf of the WADA. Dwain Chambers was allowed to be the representative of Britain at the 2012 Olympics. This aspect turned out to be an open door for other athletes that have served their suspensions to participate in Olympics.
The cyclist David Millar and the shot-putter Carl Myerscough that have served their bans for steroid use will compete at the 2012 Olympics as well.
Despites spending much time to prevent appearing of steroid users at Olympics, the BOA ultimately confirmed that not only the sprinter Dwain chambers but also Millar, Myerscough or any other athlete that has served a ban successfully may compete at Olympic Games. The CEO of the BOA Andy Hunt has claimed that any athlete is treated the same way.

понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.

US was defeated again in war on steroids

Recently a large steroid empire was busted in Austria. It was determined that this company received 40 million Euros due to illicit sale of steroids. Mihael Karner was claimed to be the leader of the steroid empire. The USA asked Austrian authorities to extradite this person to the US. But the steroid dealer avoided the extradition successfully. He gave one million Euros to Austrian authorities that sent him to Slovenia, his native country.
Slovenia’s laws differ from Austrian ones. According to the Slovenian Constitution, it is banned to extradite Slovenians to another country. Mihael Karner is a lucky individual. If he had been extradited to the USA, he would have been probably sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Federal prosecutors started the investigation linked with this drug ring in 2005. The steroid empire began to function earlier. Federal prosecutors discovered that since 2000 till 2008 the company earned 40 million Euros due to illicit distribution of steroids.
Federal prosecutors found in 2005 that Mihael Karner and his wife were involved in illegal distribution of steroids but they couldn’t pursue them because the Karners were in Austria. But later steroid laws in Austria were modified due to suppression by the US. Furthermore, the US induced the arrest of Mihael Karner and his wife.
Although the US attempts to enforce other countries of the world to extradite steroid dealers to the USA, it doesn’t have essential success in this area. But those who were involved in “Musclebear” and “British Dragon” were extradited from Cyprus and Thailand to the USA. That time the US had a victory.
As for Mihael Karner, the USA hoped that he would be extradited. That’s why it was a real shock for the US, when it was learnt that Karner arrived to Slovenia safely. So, the USA was defeated this time in the war on steroids.

Jonny Spelman has own way to get money for bodybuilding

Caroline Spelman and her husband put efforts in order to prevent spreading news about her son’s usage of steroids. She spent much money in courts for this need. But as you know, anybody could read the news about the youngest British sportsperson who was caught administering prohibited medicines and suspended from rugby. Anyone expected that Jonny Spelman would thank his parents for the efforts to prevent publishing news about him. But Jonny’s attitude turned out to be opposite.
The teenager desires to become a celebrated professional bodybuilder. He intends to get the title of Mr. Olympia.
As for application of steroids, Jonny Spelman was very open. He wrote about own usage of steroids on and on bodybuilding forums of other web sites. He confirmed that he administered Anavar, Dianabol, Winstrol and Testosterone. Spelman’s son shared own experience and asked for guidelines about application of certain steroids and stacks. He also asked about ways of being on PCT.
Since he wrote about usage of steroids openly, administrators of banned him. It led to the search of Jonny’s school room. As a result, drug paraphernalia was discovered.
The young athlete affirms that however his parents are rich, they don’t desire to support financially his efforts to become a professional bodybuilder. They have said him that he has to move out, if he wants to be a bodybuilder. But the young athlete has goals and he doesn’t want to leave them. He plans to post workout videos on YouTube and get money in exchange. The young athlete adds that viewers of YouTube play a significant role in his life because they support his efforts.

суббота, 7 июля 2012 г.

Swedish study: administration of steroids alters normal body fat distribution

Recently some experts at Lulea University of Technology and Umea University conducted a valuable research. Specialists studied and determined connections between administration of steroids, body fat distribution and some adverse reactions of anabolic steroids. The research has manifested that users of steroids may suffer from abnormal fat distribution which can result in heart attacks and other disorders of cardiovascular system.
The results of the study and conclusions were published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
 10 Swedish elite lifters were enrolled in the study. They apply anabolic steroids regularly. Thus, it was studied function of steroids in body fat distribution.
It is affirmed that lifters that take steroids possessing anabolic and androgenic properties face risks suffering from heart attacks. The experts at Lulea University of Technology and Umea University have studied how body fat is distributed in lifters who use steroids possessing anabolic and androgenic characteristics. It has been defined that incorrect fat distribution can be a reason for diseases of cardiovascular system.
The lifters who were enrolled in the study were divided into two groups. Fat distribution was studied in lifters of the two groups. The lifters of one group administered anabolic steroids. The lifters of another group didn’t take steroids.
The study has shown that those that take steroids have more reduced fat deposits below the waist. So, they have lower levels of gynoid fat.
DEXA scanner which is usually applied to study osteoporosis has been utilized in order to measure fat distribution during the research.

Colin Daynes will not represent Canada at 2012 London Olympics

Colin Daynes, a Canadian wrestler, failed a test for forbidden drugs. His Olympic dreams will not become real. He was sentenced to 2-year ban.
Last year the sportsperson was chosen for the Windsor/Essex County Sports Hall of Fame.
 The athlete was sentenced to the ban by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports. He failed a drug test, when he obtained a gold medal in the 74-kg weight category.
Colin Daynes tested positive for Drostanolone, Boldenone, Tamoxifen and Furosemide. Each of these preparations is in the list of banned drugs of the World Anti-Doping Agency. When it comes to Drostanolone and Boldenone, they belong to anabolic steroids. Furosemide represents a diuretic preparation. It is taken as a masking agent for other products. Tamoxifen is a product that is recommended for prevention of adverse consequences which occur due to steroid use.
Colin Daynes admitted to application of banned products and accepted the sentence. The athlete affirmed that he administered the forbidden medicines in order to get recovery from an injury. He told to The Star Monday night that he wanted to recover in order to participate in the 2012 Olympics. Colin Daynes noticed that a naturopathic doctor advised him to take these medications. Colin Daynes also added that he hadn’t known that the drugs were banned. According to his words, if he had known, he wouldn’t have competed.
The wrestler was going to represent Canada at the Olympics again. The wrestler represented his country at the 1996 Olympics which were in Atlanta.
Colin Daynes didn’t put efforts to defense himself. The wrestler noted that there was no any difference whether the banned products were found in the blood or not. They were in the system.
Previously Daynes also competed in mixed martial arts. He had to qualify internationally. The wrestler hoped that he would compete at the Summer Olympics in London last time. Then his career comes to the end. But he was sentenced to ban because of positives for forbidden preparations.
His personal trainer Bill Hogarth notes that that the things are too bad. But the athlete didn’t want to cheat. Hogarth hopes that the wrestler’s reputation will not be destroyed. During the career Colin Daynes won 62 gold medals, 11 silver and 5 bronze medals.

четверг, 5 июля 2012 г.

Steroid user that bought 1 kg of testosterone from overseas avoided imprisonment

Carlton Alloysius Hayes, an Australian man, was caught possessing almost a kg of Testosterone Propionate. He ordered powder of this product on internet and got it from overseas. This man also desired to buy benzyl benzoate, a chemical that is used in order to make solution for injections from powder. When police officers found out that he ordered this chemical, they asked him about purpose of purchasing it. Carlton Alloysius Hayes claimed that he wanted to get it for a friend. But he noticed that he couldn’t remember the name of the friend.
Then Hayes himself contacted police officers and asked them to come to his place. When police officers came, Carlton Alloysius Hayes showed that he had two bags of white powder. He also acknowledged that he had ordered benzyl benzoate in order to mix it with the powder and make solution for injections.  
Hayes weighed circa 156 kg, when he was in the court. He affirmed that he couldn’t lose weight, however he trained at the gym. Thus, he used steroids to lose weight and look better. This man noted that he hadn’t had any plan to distribute steroids. He purchased the testosterone powder for personal intake.
A defense attorney for Hayes claimed that his client had a good reputation. He always worked hardly.
 However he had to be sentenced to prison because he got steroids from overseas, the judge’s decision was to give him several months of suspended jail. So, this man escaped from imprisonment.

Polish source of steroids for customers from North America

A criminal group that produced and sold anabolic steroids was busted in Poland. Over 90 policemen and border guard were implicated in the investigation related to this illegal drug ring. Customers were chiefly from North America. Police detained 19 persons: 6 women and 13 men. They were charged with illicit manufacture and distribution of steroids and money laundering.
Investigators determined that the drug ring was dealing with steroids since March 2008. The group advertised steroids for gaining of muscle mass and well-being in general. The drugs were offered for sale on internet. Individuals from the USA, Canada, France, Belgium, etc. placed orders and acquired illicit drugs.  Steroids were packed in fake packages and sent to customers. There was a person who was responsible for getting money and transferring it to members of the company.
Homes and business offices of the group were raided. Police found huge quantities of steroids and packages which were prepared for shipment abroad. Certain cars, including BMW X6, Mercedes S500 and Jeep Grand, watches, jewelry and other objects were confiscated. The total value of seized objects and money was estimated. It was about 1 million Polish zlotys.
 It was determined by investigators that 3 individuals composed the leadership of the criminal group. They face 15 years in prison.
This investigation conducted by Polish police officers turned out to be successful. It was not the first successful steroid investigation in this country. Last year Polish police officers busted another illegal steroid ring. 7 persons were arrested. Approximately 80 policemen were involved in that investigation. Police officers also identified substances that were sold by that group.

понедельник, 2 июля 2012 г.

Dutasteride doesn’t affect on muscle mass and power that are increased by testosterone use

According to a trial, the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor dutasteride (Avodart) doesn’t influence negatively on fat-free mass in healthy men that administer testosterone.
A research connected with this issue was conducted. While fat-free mass was increased by 0,6-7,1 kg during 20 weeks in men that were given dutasteride and Testosterone Enanthate, fat-free mass was enhanced by 0,8-8,1 kg in those that took placebo and testosterone. As for muscle strength, sexual functions and volume of prostate, they didn’t differ in males of these 2 groups.
5-alpha reductase inhibitors are applied clinically to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and androgenic alopecia. These are diseases that commonly appear in middle-aged and old men.
DHT represents the main metabolite of testosterone. But the role of this metabolite in human development is not clearly understood. It is supposed that DHT has relevant role in development of prostate and phallus.
Middle-aged and elder men with reduced testosterone levels that administer testosterone medications have risks related to decreased muscle mass and sexual troubles.
Scientists also study and develop nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). It is affirmed that SARMs and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are safe because DHT is supposedly not necessary for effects on muscle mass, strength and sexual activity. It is also doubted whether DHT has any role for androgen’s effects on hematocrit, hemoglobin, lipids and certain other factors.
Shalender Bhasin and his colleagues at the Boston University have conducted a clinical trial in order to see whether 5?-reduction to DHT is needed in order to mediate androgen’s effects on muscle mass. Furthermore, the experts evaluated role of 5?-reduction on sexual functions, hematocrit and levels of lipid.
The study conducted by Bhasin and his colleagues enrolled healthy men who were 18- 50 years old and had normal levels of testosterone. They applied Testosterone Enanthate and dutasteride or placebo. Dosages of Testosterone Enanthate ranged from 50 to 600 mg weekly.
Since 5 ?-reductase inhibitors increase testosterone levels, all men were given also gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in order to block natural testosterone.
The results of the study displayed that fat-free mass was enhanced due to administration of testosterone. It didn’t differ essentially in men of these two groups. Muscle strength that was also increased due to administration of testosterone didn’t differ between the two groups too. Sexual activity, prostate volume, sebum production, hemoglobin, acne, hematocrit didn’t differ essentially between those who used placebo and dutasteride.
The scientists conclude that effectiveness of 5?-reductase inhibitors may be limited in men that have normal or increased levels of testosterone. That’s why it is important to measure testosterone levels in order to set how bodies will respond to 5 ?-reductase inhibitors.
So, the research has demonstrated that muscle mass is not affected by 5?-reductase inhibitors.  Males have to know that if they have high levels of testosterone or introduce exogenous testosterone in their bodies, 5?-reductase inhibitors will not cause shrinkage of prostate.

Dr. Alberto Beltran Nino is one of those that have been arrested due to Operation Skype

Spain’s national police busted a huge illegal drug ring.
According to statements of police officers, sportspeople that tested positive at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 Vuelta a Espana got steroids and other related drugs from this doping ring.
10 persons that were involved in this drug ring were arrested. Professional cyclists and other athletes had links with this illicit drug network.  It was a popular doping ring in the world of elite sport.
The investigation was nicknamed “Operation Skype”. Dr.  Alberto Beltran Nino was the leader of the drug ring. He is a former doctor of Liberty Seguros team. He was detained and sentenced to prison, when he tried to fly from Madrid to Columbia. Cezar Perez, the former personal trainer of the champion Marta Dominguez, was also detained by Spain’s police officers.
However the center of the illegal drug ring was established in Barcelona, it was an international business. The ring was linked with Morocco and Columbia. Steroids, HGH and EPO CERA were offered for sale by this illegal drug ring.
The doctor Beltran also worked with Xacobeo-Galicia team. David Garcia, the road bicycle racer of this team, tested positive for EPO at the 2010 Vuelta.
The investigation started summer last year. It was initially connected with the runner Jose Luis Blanco after he was sentenced to 2-year ban due to positives for prohibited preparations.